I Heart My Henchman: Guyday Friday, Valentine Style!


“What day is it, Ladywriter?”

Oh, yes, he was positively purring. Just as she expected.  He did so love being the center of attention.

“It’s Friday . . .”

An eager rumble. “Yesssss . . .”

“Which would make it–Guyday . . .”

And . . .” His eyes and teeth were gleaming in anticipation.

“Yes . . . it’s ‘I Heart My Henchman’ Day here at TAE, my dearest Dark Knight.”

Sir Guy gave a triumphant toss of his magnificent ebony mane and an equally triumphant sniff. He really did look the very image of a gorgeous black stallion, Ladywriter thought . . .

Happy Guyday Friday, Valentine Style! XOXOXO from the Hot Velvet Henchman and LW and her whole household!









14 responses »

  1. 😀 😀 😀 As always, you brighten my day, Angie! These are inspired! Happy Valentine’s Day, hope you have a good one. And tell that hot henchman to be on best behaviour! (Oh, see if you can video the tango for me, too, please?)

  2. Ahh..this is like perfect Valentine present, Angie. *sigh* I wish You and Benny very many Valentine’s days in an each year 🙂

  3. Oh yes, so much Guy on Valentine’s Day. Love it. Love him. Oh, and lots of love to you too, Angie. Your edits make me smile on any day, but even more so on Guy Day. xxx

    • Thank you, Guylty, I know how much you love the Hot Velvet Henchman, too. ❤ I always have fun with the RA-related photo edits, but these were particularly fun. So nice Guyday and Valentine’s Day fell on the same date!

  4. Pingback: Love for MarieAstra | Obsessive Behavior

  5. What a fabulous way to start out on Valentine’s Day–Guy doesn’t seem romantic at first sight, but he certainly changes that in a flash! Happy Valentine’s Day, dear Angie–and Sir Guy!

    • Sir Guy could have easily been a complete turn-off to me in the hands of a different, less nuanced (and less charismatic and gorgeous!) actor. But RA worked his magic with the role. We see that vulnerability beneath all the sneers and swagger, that need to love and be loved . . . he wins and breaks our hearts. *sigh* Happy Valentine’s Day, Stephanie!

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