Category Archives: john porter

Will the real Richard Armitage please stand up? Or–maybe not.


“Who’s Richie A, Who’s the real guy, will the real Richie A please stand up, please stand up”

(with apologies to Eminem aka Slim Shady, who is, in fact, actually a guy named Marshall Mathers)

Fedoralady plays the devil’s advocate a bit here . . .  tossing out some food for thought.  Glean from it what you will.


Who exactly is Richard Armitage? That seems to be a question a fair amount of fans are asking these days.

What concerning RA can we agree upon?

I think we can all agree he’s enormously talented. Charismatic. A hard-working professional (maybe even a workaholic). He shows an appreciation for his fans and has a generous heart, supports worthwhile charities and encourages others to do the same. He is not at all hard on the eyes. In fact, he seems to get more attractive with each passing year. There is a lot to like and appreciate here.

The RA that most who have been fans for a longer period have come to expect is this thoughtful, diffident, humble, bookish, boyish, good-humored and gentle sort of gentleman—a kind of Harry Kennedy come to life in some respects. Richard himself once said HK was the character he had played who was most like him in real life, which led to quite a few “squees” in the fandom.


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We saw glimpses of this “Admirable RA” in television and radio interviews to promote his shows and films, in the behind-the-scenes features for DVDs and in some print interviews. There was never a great deal offered up about his private life, even when interviewers tried to pry or provoke it out of him. He preferred to focus on his work, a subject about which he was clearly passionate.

Some fans who first discovered him as Thornton in “North and South” found Richard Armitage the perfect romantic hero and longed to see him in more high-quality period drama. Those who adored him as Harry Kennedy pined to see him perform in a wittily scripted rom-com. Others found “Action Hero with a Heart” Armitage and “Beautiful Baddie (Who Really Isn’t)” irresistible.















For certain fans, RA pretty much ascended onto a pedestal. If he wasn’t a saint, surely he was an angel, almost too good to be true.
After all, look at all his virtuous qualities . . . he was different from all that riff-raff out there in celebrity land, and we could pat ourselves on the back and smugly smile and say, “We fangurl only the best and the most pure of heart.”


And other fans said (in private, if not on forums), “Virtuous qualities, shmirtuous qualities. He can effin’ read the phone book for all I care (preferably in really tight jeans and a shirt with a few buttons undone) as long as I can hear that smooth chocolate baritone and gaze into those hellagood azure eyes and imagine all the bad, bad things I could do to him!” (I should point out these feelings can be found in fans who really, really admire his personality and acting talent, too.)



As for Richard, he has always tended to dismiss talk about his sexual allure, expressing disbelief that he could ever be considered a hottie, proclaiming he’s always found himself a bit odd-looking.

RA has seemed like the perfect celebrity crush for the discerning fan girl: bright and gifted, yet humble and modest. Beautiful and sexy, yet seemingly unaware of his physical charms (although quite a few of us found that hard to swallow). Here was an intensely private man who clearly intended to remain so, one who wanted the focus to be on his body of work as a serious actor–and not his body, as it were.

And then he joined Twitter. Dived in headfirst, one might say.
And we started getting selfies. Lots of selfies. Some were quite funny and cute and a little weird, but in a good sort of way. And one or two were— “Huh? Zat you, Richard?”
They seemed to be of a handsome young man but they didn’t exactly look like Richard Armitage—maybe a younger look-alike relative?

Clearly, our Richie was doctoring his images. Hey, no big deal, right? Don’t all celebrities (and quite of few of us nobodies) use filters and other touch-up tools on our photos before we post them to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the like? And he’s working at lot in Hollywood now, where youth is the religion; he’s almost 44 and there are always younger actors up for the same roles.



B4cEX4uCIAE03cWAnd maybe, just maybe, Mr. A is a bit more vain and conscious of his good looks than we were led to think.

Then there’s this whole thing of tweeting—and deleting. And tweeting and deleting some more. “Make up your mind, Mr. Armitage, a legion of fans is apparently hanging on your every word and trying to dissect what went wrong that caused you to need to remove a particular image/words!” Fans cry out.

So, tell me, Richard,  are you just teasing us, or are you in fact still a bit inept when it comes to this whole social media morass? Inquiring minds want to know. Some fans are getting downright frustrated!

And there are some of the roles Richard is choosing—very action-oriented, one even described as “hyper-violent” and of course, that blood-soaked turn as a serial killer later this season on “Hannibal.”
Didn’t he once state horror was a genre he didn’t think was a good fit for him?

“What caused you to change your mind?” ask some fans, disappointed over your decision.

“Aren’t people allowed to change their minds?” Other fans respond. “This isn’t your run-of-the-mill splatter fest, anyway. There’s great scripting and character development. The critics love it!”

There’s a lot of disquiet and a certain degree of disappointment expressed in the fandom of late and it has led me to query: While we’ve never been completely harmonious, were fans in general happier when RA was actually less accessible?
Was ignorance bliss for some of us when that alluring veil of mystery still swirled around him? Is a portion of it still there or has social media permanently dispelled it?


8992342a74186be2f224f6dbd9d00254I wonder, would it be more acceptable for some fans if he were like a movie star in the old studio system, in which the Powers That Be carefully groomed and molded their stars’ images . . . and kept anything negative out of the press.

Has Richard Armitage as an individual actually changed in any fundamental way, or are we simply seeing him break out of his shyness and shake off some of that British reserve,with the self-professed late bloomer now “busting out all over” with a nearly nude photo posted on Twitter? (Of course, it’s not like he hasn’t gotten naked before for the camera . . . on several occasions, in fact. “Between the Sheets,” “Spooks” and “Strike Back.”)

Do we know/see a little too much now, and are some of us afraid of what we might discover next about “our Richard” that could potentially shatter our illusions about him?

And do we as individual fans and as a collective truly want the real Richard Armitage—whomever and whatever he might prove to be—to stand up? Or can we ever really “know” a man who is such an expert at immersing himself into his characters?  Actors–well, they ACT.

Would we prefer to only fangurl a Richard made to our personal specifications . . . and is there any harm if we do?  Should we hold tight to our fantasies even if reality turns out to bite?

I wonder.

Sunday SmoRgAsbord: It’s ba-aack! (Part 1)



Rev up your motor with Ricky, dive in the deep end with Lee, savor sweet romance with Mr. Thornton, sizzle in sexy steaminess with Portah, admire the medieval beauty that is Sir Guy, thrill to Thorin’s amazing way with a weapon or simply bask in the sunshine that is sweet Harry’s smile as you sample our first smorgasbord for Sunday.

Still wet and downright soggy here with 70 percent chance of rain tomorrow and a good chance on Monday, too. Everyone is pretty tired of the endless precipitation. Hope these fellows will help brighten up all our days!






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Happy Father’s Day: Tough Portah as Lexie’s Tender Daddy



A real man can be strong and tough and still be gentle, providing consoling hugs, kisses to heal boo-boos and  offering comforting, tender words for those he loves.


Richard Armitage does a brilliant job of making John Porter believable as not just a tough, kick-ass SAS hunk, but as a loving dad, desperate to maintain a relationship with his little girl after his world falls apart. A dad who thinks of her when it looks like he may not get out of the latest adventure alive. A dad who cries with her even though they are thousands of miles apart . . .


Look at how he so fully embraces her, at the contented smile on his face. How can you not believe? And love him just a little bit more.

Sexy, Heroic Soldiers & Spies–Oh, My!



The enigmatic Lucas North–dedicated, determined, trying to make his way in an ordinary world after eight years of torture and deprivation in a Russian prison. Haunted by the past.  NOT John Bateman (that was the lie).  A hero–and sexy as hell. Watching Lucas run in those tight jeans–*guh* Pure poetry in motion.



Sgt. John Porter: tough-as-nails but with a tender side. A man who needs to find the truth, restore his tarnished reputation and fight his way back to a normal life. The very sort of bloke you’d want to come to your rescue. Heroic, clever and when necessary, ruthless. Trust him.


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More of the same. Super Sexy Saturday, that is! Fanart & Vids


It’s a glorious day in the neighborhood–Lower Alabama, that is. The gray skies and rain and damp have gone, replaced by cerulean blue and blessedly lower humidity. Enjoyed a little jaunt out with the dogs, who are enjoying the warmth of the sunshine. Jack in particular is in a jolly mood today.

A nap will be in order a little later–stayed up too late reading the Bronte book and trying to pry my cats from my side and legs. I am too restless a sleeper for furry attachments.;) In the meantime, enjoy a second installment of SSS–Super Sexy Saturday.  Sssssssmokin’!


One word. Erotic.


Mmmmmmmm. Porter as diamond smuggler John Dean.  Love everything here–the look of intense concentration, the elfin ear, the beautiful hand, the wristwatch.  The way the lighting accentuates those beautiful lips. Heap sexy man.


Half-mad, dirty, disheveled, wild-eyed, wounded animal . . . speaks volumes to my inner caveman. Sexxxxxxy.


Sexy nineteenth century mill owner style. Cravats have never looked better on (or off) anyone else.


Ricky Deeming. Enigmatic. Defiant. Rebellious. And dead sexy. The black leather doesn’t hurt, either.


How about Lucas as a dark angel in his black singlet?  Beautiful and so sexy.  *sigh*


Sir Guy isn’t the only one who can smoulder oh, so beautifully. The proud warrior–the majestic and deliciously sexy Thorin Oakenshield. Thinking of you, Bechep.

Monday SmoRgAsbord: Some Legendary ChaRActers We Love



The majestic warrior prince who guided his people to a new home after a devastating attack; now seeking to reclaim his homeland. We’d follow Thorin Oakenshield anywhere.  And provide him with plenty of TLC.


Savvy, smart, rescourceful sergeant who kicks arse and takes the time to be tender. We’d want John Porter to come and rescue us if we ended up in a terrible jam.  Or let us give a nice soothing massage . . .  to all those big, buff knotted muscles.


Sir Guy, the beautiful, complex henchman who smoulders like nobody’s business and puts his own life on the line to protect and save the woman he loves . . . too bad she never appreciated him properly (not even after he returned to Nottingham to fight and die by her side if necessary).  We would have done better!

photomania_18457522ccLucas, cool, enigmatic and sexy spy, haunted by the torture and deprivation of years in Russian prison but still loyal to his country (don’t believe everything certain writers dish out).  We’d love to help him move past the pain.


Another engimatic character, black leather-clad rebel 6os biker, Geordie Ricky Deeming, who knows how to make our motors race. We’d like to hop on the back of his bike for a spin . . .


The handsome, hard working Victorian mill owner who seeks to improve himself and discovers a foolish passion for a certain demure young lady. We’d have made up our minds about you much sooner, John Thornton. What a catch!


John Strandring, shy Yorkshire farmer with a heart of gold, a gentle giant. No wonder we call him Sweetie John. Beautiful inside and out, our John is faithful and steadfast. We long to make him feel loved and appreciated . . .

The lads are looking forward to it . . .


As we start a new blog year here at TAE, some of the lads said they wanted to weigh in on what they hope to bring to readers– in between eating enormous pieces of chocolate cake, that is.  I have to say they are a brood of chocoholics.  Not that I mind!befunkyjohnsbefunkygog


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befunky rich

Sunday SmoRgAsbord: Angsty, Angry and Oh,So Attractive










I am tired and my eyes are starting to really bug me (the whole sticky, weepy thing going on again) so don’t feel like doing a lot of writing. However, I do want to share our first round of Sunday Smorgasbord.  Dig in!

Final Serving of Sunday SmoRgAsbord: Smiles!


I watched Downton Abbey tonight along with Faboamanto and RAblogger at Twitter. Let’s just say none of us can say we actually enjoyed this episode.  When the Dowager Duchess, played by the superb Maggie Smith,  loses her customary aplomb, it is time to break out the handkerchiefs, boys and girls.

So I thought I would close out the servings of RA SmoRgAsbord with something a bit more upbeat. Smiles, everyone–smiles!


You knew Harry would be in the mix! Nothing can lift one’s spirits quicker than a Kennedy grin.


Long eyelashes and stubble. And that smile. Lucas, I am your slave.

What a sight for sore eyes! John Porter, the tough soldier with the gentle touch and sweet, sweet smile.

What a sight for sore eyes! John Porter, the tough soldier with the gentle touch and sweet, sweet smile.

Mr. Thornton, you may brood beautifully, but those rare smiles are simply heaven-sent.

Mr. Thornton, you may brood beautifully, but those rare smiles are simply heaven-sent.

Ah, Claude, you gave us many sweet smiles, sunny grins and that laughter!

Ah, Claude, you gave us many sweet smiles, sunny grins and that laughter!

Two beautiful smiles between friends--Meg and Guy.

Two beautiful smiles between friends–Meg and Guy.

Two for Teusday: Portah & Lucas!





Lucas, the cerebral, enigmatic, cool-as-a-cucumber spy and Portah, the tough-as-nails SAS soldier with the tender side. Dedicated heroes and alpha males who are also sexy as hell.  And So Not Dead! What’s not to love here?




Coincidence? I don’t know. But it’s PERFECT.


It’s a blustery, cold, wet day here in Lower Alabama. Upper Alabama just may get some wet snow out of this massive storm system moving across the Southeast.

A day to stay in with a big mug of coffee and do some Richarding! 😀 Last night I was joking on Twitter about feeling like Pavlov’s dog. You know, any sight or hearing or mention of a certain TDHBEW, and I practically start drooling.


So what did I see in my inbox this morning? My A.Word.A.Day email. And what was the word, you ask? Heeheehee.

Salivate: (verb) (1) to show great relish in anticipation of something desirable. (2) to produce saliva.  From the Latin salivare (to salivate). Earliest documented use: 1669.

Let me say I laughed aloud. Coincidence? Fate? Who knows. But it’s a perfect word for the effect Mr. A and his chaRActers have on me. I can feel my eyes light up, my lips part as I softly, rapturously exhale,  a fatuous grin crossing my face when I see images like this:





So, do you salivate when you see/hear/contemplate Mr. A and his sensational selection of alluring, adorable, amazing ChaRActers?