Category Archives: robin hood

Will the real Richard Armitage please stand up? Or–maybe not.


“Who’s Richie A, Who’s the real guy, will the real Richie A please stand up, please stand up”

(with apologies to Eminem aka Slim Shady, who is, in fact, actually a guy named Marshall Mathers)

Fedoralady plays the devil’s advocate a bit here . . .  tossing out some food for thought.  Glean from it what you will.


Who exactly is Richard Armitage? That seems to be a question a fair amount of fans are asking these days.

What concerning RA can we agree upon?

I think we can all agree he’s enormously talented. Charismatic. A hard-working professional (maybe even a workaholic). He shows an appreciation for his fans and has a generous heart, supports worthwhile charities and encourages others to do the same. He is not at all hard on the eyes. In fact, he seems to get more attractive with each passing year. There is a lot to like and appreciate here.

The RA that most who have been fans for a longer period have come to expect is this thoughtful, diffident, humble, bookish, boyish, good-humored and gentle sort of gentleman—a kind of Harry Kennedy come to life in some respects. Richard himself once said HK was the character he had played who was most like him in real life, which led to quite a few “squees” in the fandom.


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We saw glimpses of this “Admirable RA” in television and radio interviews to promote his shows and films, in the behind-the-scenes features for DVDs and in some print interviews. There was never a great deal offered up about his private life, even when interviewers tried to pry or provoke it out of him. He preferred to focus on his work, a subject about which he was clearly passionate.

Some fans who first discovered him as Thornton in “North and South” found Richard Armitage the perfect romantic hero and longed to see him in more high-quality period drama. Those who adored him as Harry Kennedy pined to see him perform in a wittily scripted rom-com. Others found “Action Hero with a Heart” Armitage and “Beautiful Baddie (Who Really Isn’t)” irresistible.















For certain fans, RA pretty much ascended onto a pedestal. If he wasn’t a saint, surely he was an angel, almost too good to be true.
After all, look at all his virtuous qualities . . . he was different from all that riff-raff out there in celebrity land, and we could pat ourselves on the back and smugly smile and say, “We fangurl only the best and the most pure of heart.”


And other fans said (in private, if not on forums), “Virtuous qualities, shmirtuous qualities. He can effin’ read the phone book for all I care (preferably in really tight jeans and a shirt with a few buttons undone) as long as I can hear that smooth chocolate baritone and gaze into those hellagood azure eyes and imagine all the bad, bad things I could do to him!” (I should point out these feelings can be found in fans who really, really admire his personality and acting talent, too.)



As for Richard, he has always tended to dismiss talk about his sexual allure, expressing disbelief that he could ever be considered a hottie, proclaiming he’s always found himself a bit odd-looking.

RA has seemed like the perfect celebrity crush for the discerning fan girl: bright and gifted, yet humble and modest. Beautiful and sexy, yet seemingly unaware of his physical charms (although quite a few of us found that hard to swallow). Here was an intensely private man who clearly intended to remain so, one who wanted the focus to be on his body of work as a serious actor–and not his body, as it were.

And then he joined Twitter. Dived in headfirst, one might say.
And we started getting selfies. Lots of selfies. Some were quite funny and cute and a little weird, but in a good sort of way. And one or two were— “Huh? Zat you, Richard?”
They seemed to be of a handsome young man but they didn’t exactly look like Richard Armitage—maybe a younger look-alike relative?

Clearly, our Richie was doctoring his images. Hey, no big deal, right? Don’t all celebrities (and quite of few of us nobodies) use filters and other touch-up tools on our photos before we post them to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the like? And he’s working at lot in Hollywood now, where youth is the religion; he’s almost 44 and there are always younger actors up for the same roles.



B4cEX4uCIAE03cWAnd maybe, just maybe, Mr. A is a bit more vain and conscious of his good looks than we were led to think.

Then there’s this whole thing of tweeting—and deleting. And tweeting and deleting some more. “Make up your mind, Mr. Armitage, a legion of fans is apparently hanging on your every word and trying to dissect what went wrong that caused you to need to remove a particular image/words!” Fans cry out.

So, tell me, Richard,  are you just teasing us, or are you in fact still a bit inept when it comes to this whole social media morass? Inquiring minds want to know. Some fans are getting downright frustrated!

And there are some of the roles Richard is choosing—very action-oriented, one even described as “hyper-violent” and of course, that blood-soaked turn as a serial killer later this season on “Hannibal.”
Didn’t he once state horror was a genre he didn’t think was a good fit for him?

“What caused you to change your mind?” ask some fans, disappointed over your decision.

“Aren’t people allowed to change their minds?” Other fans respond. “This isn’t your run-of-the-mill splatter fest, anyway. There’s great scripting and character development. The critics love it!”

There’s a lot of disquiet and a certain degree of disappointment expressed in the fandom of late and it has led me to query: While we’ve never been completely harmonious, were fans in general happier when RA was actually less accessible?
Was ignorance bliss for some of us when that alluring veil of mystery still swirled around him? Is a portion of it still there or has social media permanently dispelled it?


8992342a74186be2f224f6dbd9d00254I wonder, would it be more acceptable for some fans if he were like a movie star in the old studio system, in which the Powers That Be carefully groomed and molded their stars’ images . . . and kept anything negative out of the press.

Has Richard Armitage as an individual actually changed in any fundamental way, or are we simply seeing him break out of his shyness and shake off some of that British reserve,with the self-professed late bloomer now “busting out all over” with a nearly nude photo posted on Twitter? (Of course, it’s not like he hasn’t gotten naked before for the camera . . . on several occasions, in fact. “Between the Sheets,” “Spooks” and “Strike Back.”)

Do we know/see a little too much now, and are some of us afraid of what we might discover next about “our Richard” that could potentially shatter our illusions about him?

And do we as individual fans and as a collective truly want the real Richard Armitage—whomever and whatever he might prove to be—to stand up? Or can we ever really “know” a man who is such an expert at immersing himself into his characters?  Actors–well, they ACT.

Would we prefer to only fangurl a Richard made to our personal specifications . . . and is there any harm if we do?  Should we hold tight to our fantasies even if reality turns out to bite?

I wonder.

Richard Armitage: So Much to AppReCiAte. Remember, it’s ALL good.



Richard Armitage is all that and a bag of chips. An extra-large bag of Golden Flakes, made right here in Alabama and one of  favorite guilty pleasures to this day.


golden-flake-potato-chips-86225Actually, I prefer their regular chips for everyday eating, but the hot variety seemed ever so appropriate for the subject at hand . .

I believe we all can agree that Richard is enormously talented and versatile in his gifts. The man can act phenomenally well, using every facet of his physical being–that deep, earthy voice, amazingly mobile face, those big, elegant hands and so much more–to bring his characters to vivid (and at time, heart-wrenching) life. We can easily believe he is the individual he is portraying as we take a journey alongside him. We watch, we listen, hang on the edge of our seats as we hold our collective breath; we cheer and we shed tears. We mourn. We do not forget. Those characters, this man, sticks with us.



Richard as Thorin back inside Erebor for the first time in years. Courtesy of The

Along with those acting chops we have a man who can sing, play instruments, ride horseback and perform fight scenes with the grace and agility of the professional dancer he once was.  All that he has experienced in his life and learned and trained for in each of his roles has helped bring him to where he is today–an increasingly acclaimed actor of both stage and screen with several new projects on the horizon. Workaholic that he appears to be, I don’t think we have to worry about Richard “resting” (as unemployed actors refer to being in between roles) for very long.



He’s also a consummate professional described in glowing terms by co-stars, crew members, scriptwriters and directors. Richard is hard working and humble, affable and kind, generous and good hearted with an infectious laugh that reaches right up into  those twinkling blue eyes. What’s not to love?

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Now, not only is he an amazing talent, he also happens to be really, really attractive.  Easy on the eyes with that arrestingly handsome face and the sort of tall, broad-shouldered masculine physique that invites daydreams and fantasies.  “Oh child of Venus, you’re just made for love . . .” He was always a cutie, but I swear he’s grown into more masculine gorgeousness with each passing year.

And it’s perfectly OK to celebrate that physical beauty along with his intelligence, talent, work ethic, charisma and charitable instincts. Because these qualities, inner and outer, are all part and parcel of what makes Richard Armitage Richard Armitage. And keeps us coming back for more . . . and more.

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So don’t be hatin’ on bloggers who take time out from their serious discussions of his work to light-heartedly enjoy the siren call of Mr. Armitage’s outward qualities, whether it be nipples, biceps, bum or other physical attributes. Because it’s ALL good. Just like a big ol’ bag of Golden Flakes . . .

Guyday Friday: Sir Guy returns to tease & take care of LW


“Oh, good grief, Sir Guy, I think my insides have been turned out,” Ladywriter groaned as she fell back against the pillows, gingerly stroking her tummy.

“Ahhhh, and not in a good way, I fear,” the Dark Knight murmured. He raised one quizzical brow and proceeded to prop his glossy black boots on the bed railing as he leaned back in the chair, arms characteristically folded across his broad chest.

“When is it ever?” LW groaned.  She’d woken up in the wee hours hungry after missing a couple of meals the day before, and now had paid the price for that peanut butter and banana sandwich, followed by a fun size Twix bar. So much for fun.

It had tasted good at the time . . . cursed Irritable Bowel Syndrome!

“Well . . . I have been known to do unusual things to ladies’ insides,” Sir Guy drawled, that devilish gleam in his kohl-rimmed blue eyes teasing her.

A gimlet-eyed Ladywriter snorted and threw a pillow at him, which he nimbly caught and then tossed aside. His eyes softened and, setting his boots on the carpet, he leaned forward to take LW’s hand and give it a gentle squeeze.

“Forgive me, dearest LW. I cannot resist being playful with my favorite queen of her own alternate universe . . . truly, shall I bring you something to give you comfort?”

“A Coke on ice–lots of ice. And–we could just sit and talk for a while . . . it’s been a difficult week, Sir Guy.” LW gave a little sigh and smiled up into those beautiful azure eyes.I’ve missed you, my favorite hot velveteen henchman.”

He returned her smile, and she did feel a curious sensation–butterflies in her stomach?–that was a definite improvement on her earlier condition. 

Oh, the effect you do have on us, my beautiful Gisborne.

“Of course you’ve missed me, and I, you.” Sir Guy pressed a kiss to the palm and then the back of her hand. “I am forever yours.”

And forever, Friday will be—Guyday in the kingdom of Lady Writer.

It’s Guyday Friday!!






More Guyday Friday: it’s gettin’ hot in here . . .






Guy Friday: Beautiful in Black & White



After last night’s storms, a quiet, cooler day with humidity below 50 percent. This is a good thing. Doing knee strengthening exercises as I put this entry together.  They aren’t all that much fun, but looking at Sir Guy is.  The lashes, the stubble, the delicately-shaped lips that curve into such delicious smirks, the intensity of his gazes, the curls at the nape of his neck, the tousled mane . . . yup, those knees are hurting just a little less now. *sigh* Happy Guyday Friday, dear ones.








Big Bad Black-Clad Man: Yep, more Guyday Friday!



Such masculine beauty in the midst of all your angst, my beloved dark knight.



As if. They will never learn. Of course, Sir Guy, you DO look very “come-hither” in your medieval go-go cage. Just sayin’ . . .


Menacing can be really sexy with the right equipment. And he’s got *it.*


Yes, I do believe the CReAtor read for the roles of both Sir Guy and Vasey. No offense, Keith, but I believe Mr. A would have had us even more enthralled with the Dark Side. But then–we’d have missed out on the six feet two inches of black leather-clad bodaciosity known as Sir Guy.


Says it all. Happy Guyday Friday!

Finally! Guyday Friday: There’s CAKE! (& art & vids)


“Whot . . . no–vertically challenged hirsute would-be king appearing today?” The dark knight drawled, a glint of amusement in his kohl-rimmed blue eyes as he lounged against the door frame.

“It’s Guyday Friday, so I’d say it’s pretty much all about the six feet, two inches of smouldering testosterone-laden medieval gorgeousness,” Ladywriter replied insouciantly, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

Sir Guy rubbed his aquiline nose and gave a small yet manly sniff. “I wasn’t certain–after all, it seems it’s been Thorin Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday AND Thursday here at the blog, my lady.”  There was a note of accusation beneath the sarcasm in the rumbling voice. Did she detect a hint of sadness in those mesmerizing eyes?

Ladywriter wriggled just a little uncomfortably. She had rather wallowed in all things Hobbity and Thorin-y.  But with the big DVD release and new featurettes with so much Thorin goodness, wasn’t it only to be expected? Still, Sir Guy could be a little–sensitive at times.

“I promise–lots of Guy art, Guy vids, Guy goodness on the schedule for today.” She smiled and tilted her head. “Along with—strawberry rum cake. Moist and flavorful–with a kick.”

Both eyebrows raised, Sir Guy’s mouth curled into a delighted smirk. “Just for me?”

“You betcha.”

Sir Guy swiftly came to her side and pressed a hearty kiss to her forehead. Ladywriter released an inner “squee.”

“I’ll wager HE didn’t get a cake . . .” And with a triumphant grin, Sir Guy strutted out, ready to enjoy a large slice of cake with a milk chaser.

Ladywriter smiled to herself. “Only for you, Sir Guy, only for you . . . my first Armitage hero.” She sighed. “And you’ll always be my first ChaRActer love.”





(Guest Post) How I Fell for a Hot, Hairy Dwarf & Never Looked Back: Part 1


Today it’s Thorin Thursday and we have a guest post by one of our regular blog commenters from Down Under (who is also a new blogger and new RA fan, courtesy of one gorgeous dwarf we all know and love) . . .  I love her enthusiasm for our dear Richard and his characters.



I suppose I should start by introducing myself.  I’m Bec Hepworth – many of you may know me as Bechep from blogs or @lady0akenshield on Twitter.  Angie has kindly (and bravely) asked me to do a bit of a guest post on her wonderful blog for Thorin Thursday.  Just so we are clear, I love Thorin Oakenshield.  I’m talking totally and, to use a Richard-ism, pants-droppingly obsessed *ahem* by Thorin Oakenshield.  I’m a little nervous and oh so slightly excited to talk about my favourite subject – I may begin to waffle, please just bear with me!

When Angie approached me here was the outline: “How I Fell Hard for a Hot, Hairy Dwarf & Never Looked Back”

After a little giggle,  I decided that I would break down that statement into three parts.

  1. How I fell hard,
  2. Hot and hairy (and oh how I’m looking forward to writing about that!) and
  3. Never looking back.

So, get yourself a mug of mead/tea/coffee/wine/ other refreshment and  let us begin…

Part 1: How I Fell Hard

It was in fact, to coin a phrase, An Unexpected Journey.  There I was, just cruising along with my little life- young children, husband, part-time job as a primary school teacher, family, friends, mortgage-you get the idea, nothing really taking up too much time or brain space and  nothing out of the ordinary going on.

I went to the cinema on Boxing Day to see The Hobbit on its opening night (it opens later in Australia – I don’t know why and don’t get me started…) I’m an avid Tolkien fan and was very excited to see the movie having thoroughly enjoyed the Lord of the Rings trilogy.  I was lining up ready to go in. I looked up and saw this giant poster :

hobbit poster

and there…in the middle…Thorin Oakenshield.  I remember thinking “Oooh he’s very nice” and continued to stare at it until we went in.  I won’t bore you with my various reactions to the movie – oh, that glorious moment he arrives at Bag End… *stares off into the distance…*


Anyway, where was I?  Oh yes. So we will Skip forward roughly three hours…

I floated out of the cinema in a complete and utter state of  euphoria.  I was totally and utterly smitten. I rushed home to get on the internet and find out who this amazing, delicious, gorgeous actor was. (sorry people who came to the movie with me, no coffee and Christmas Day left over goodies for you! Safe trip home, there’s the door.)

The next few days – which turned into weeks were spent finding out all I could about Richard Armitage.

The Armitage Effect was one of the first places I found when I Googled his name.  I loved that I could find like-minded people talking about and worshipping this incredible actor.  When I finally plucked up the courage to leave a comment back on  the 2nd January (Post: “We all need an Armitage Hero” – I still remember!) Angie and the other fans were very welcoming and it was so great to actually communicate with other people about my new passion and not feel silly or judged.

hobbit Thorin poster

Pause with me a moment, won’t you? as we just gaze at the majesty.

So I ordered all three series of Robin Hood. And began having Sir Guy marathons of 3-4 episodes a night (oh, to have all-night marathons with Sir Guy…whoops did I just say that out loud!?).  I believe my Long Suffering Husband ‘s comment was “all this because you saw The Hobbit?”  Yes my dear, seeing The Hobbit is PRECISELY why all this!

Even grumpy, the dwarf is a dream!

grumpy thorin

And so it began.  Since I plucked up the courage to write that first little comment, I have experienced all sorts of incredible and wonderful things: meeting amazing, funny, very special people, Reading Blogs, Writing a Blog ( a very insignificant and amateur one over on Word Press), Twitter, You Tube clips, Fan Fiction, Watching all the Richard Armitage TV shows I can get my hands on (Oh Lucas, you are so dreamy…), buying Thorin-related products (I did draw the line at Thorin Oakenshield underpants but for a moment there, dear readers, I did consider it), getting pictures on my phone so I could have sneaky peeks at work, learning new verbs like Richarding and Thorinized (one of yours, Angie, I believe?), the list goes on.

I could go into detail about all these experiences but I can see Angie nervously checking her watch – I suspect she thinks I may be one of those visitors who, once arrived, digs their heels in, spreads their belongings around the place and doesn’t show any signs of leaving, so I shall stop here momentarily.

Lets all collect ourselves, stand up, stretch and leave it there for now.  I think we could all do with a little break before embarking on the Hot and Hairy part of this post.

See you back here next Thorin Thursday as we delight in his lusciousness and  majestic-ness (yes it’s a word).  Farewell dear readers until next week…

Oh, and here’s another pretty picture. Just to keep you going until then.

brooding thorin

Guyday Friday: Sleek n’ Sexy!



Our smouldering sex god is a wee bit vain (but at least he has something to be vain about). There’s the hair, artfully arranged (with Ye Olde Medieval Haire Gelle?),fetching curls at the nape, those striking sideburns accentuating the elegant, masculine planes of his face. Later, of course, we get the Amazing Mane, artfully tossed about to great effect like the proud stallion that he is.  And let’s not forget the Guyliner. Nobody rocks the Medieval Smoky-Eyed Gaze like our Sir Guy. And that stubble . . . . uhmmmmmm. Or clean-shaven for those special occasions.

He knows he looks damn good in those sleek, buttery soft black leathers, accentuating his lean, muscular physique.  Nothing like watching that long, slinky stride through the corridors of Nottingham Castle, is there? Or study him lounging purposefully, strong arms folded across that broad, tempting chest, a knowing smirk or look of ill-concealed boredom or disdain on his handsome face  . . . always keep your eye on the hot, sleek, sexy henchman.  It’s worth it on so very many levels. Trust me . . .



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Guyday Friday: S3 Guy is simply awesome



The flowing locks, at first dirty and tangled, later lustrous and princely.  The Milanese-Japanese warrior threads. The floppy black pirate shirt and those jangling spurs. The really big, gleaming sword.

And the attitude.

Boozy, wild-eyed, vengeful, self-loathing. Proud, preening, smug and simply gorgeous. Defeated and yet not down and out. Introspective. Remorseful. Chivalrous. Fearful. Courageous. Free . . . what an amazing journey of discovery Richard Armitage takes us on with Sir Guy in the final season of Robin Hood. Guy of Gisborne, you ROCK!






The Lighter Side: Guyday Friday


BeFunky_ariane179254_RobinHood_3x13_SomethingWorthFightingForPart2_0877Poor Guy can’t get any rest with Kate’s incessant squawking. And I am having no luck with the nap idea so far. Might as well send a little more Guy–the lighter side– your way this Guyday Friday. Enjoy! I’m gonna veg.


I don’t think he’d ever be unemployed in that line of work, do you?






Of course we know you were first, Sir Guy. Nobody can out-glam you, our dear Dark Knight.



Oh, come on, when he’s looking at you like that, what else can he expect??



Her time at the castle could have been so much more enjoyable.


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The world-weary Hot Velveteen Henchman has seen it all.