Tag Archives: Anne Baxter

Armitage as a silver fox?


You may have noticed in the recent photo of my family, taken on a long-ago vacation,  the very distinctive white streak in my mother’s otherwise brown hair.

It started when she was in her late 20s as a grey streak, which gradually widened and whitened over the years. By the time that photo was taken, she was in her very early 40s. A fellow student at my elementary school came up to me in the bus parking lot and said, “I know which one is your mama. She’s the lady with the two-toned hair!” Indeed, she was.

People who knew Mama in later life almost invariably remarked on her beautiful head of snow white hair, so becoming to her clear blue eyes and fair complexion.  I am a bit prejudiced, but she really was a beautiful older lady. She was always pretty, resembling actress Anne Baxter. But in her final years, there was a sort of incandescent quality to her, in her eyes and her smile, that just drew you in.  Sorry I don’t have the photos scanned in, or I would share some of my favorites.  Here’s one of Miss Baxter:

The late Anne Baxter, a wonderful and lovely actress whom my mother resembled.

I inherited my dad’s family’s blonde, wavy hair and warm coloring (very fair, but with yellow undertones to my complexion and green flecks in my blue eyes) and my mom’s premature grey.

Let’s say grey is not my best color, so I have been tinting it for years to combat the ever-increasing number of silver strands. One day, when it goes completely white, as it almost inevitably will assuming I live long enough, I may dispense with John Frieda and become a true platinum blonde.  In the meantime, John, Benny and I will be convening in the bathroom every few weeks.

So what does all this have to do with Mr. A? Well, now that he has been able to put aside the black dye for a while, we are glimpsing more and more grey in his hair, a fact I find oddly endearing.  I wonder what Richard’s parents’ hair is like in terms of natural color these days. And I also wonder if, in future roles that may be less action/romantic hero-oriented and more character-driven, we will ever see a naturally grey Armitage onscreen?

We got hints of it with the role of Monet.

George Clooney is an example of a current star who has allowed his premature grey to shine; one of my all-time favorite stars, Cary Grant, sported silver/white hair in his final years and looked marvelous. Grant was always a good-looking man, but his looks, like someone else we know of, seemed to just improve with the passing years.

Cary Grant, looking very distinguished with his silvery white hair.

So, I was playing around with Photoshop yet again and I think this gives a glimmer of what RA might look like as a silver fox.

I am not trying to rush Mr. A into letting nature takes its course. I am sure his hair color, just as its length and the presence or lack of facial hair, will change as required by his various roles.  He’s gorgeous no matter what color his hair is. He’d look hot with a chrome dome.

But I do think he will be one devastatingly distinguished and handsome gentleman in his mature years. Yes, even more than now. *gulp*  Will my poor heart be able to bear it?