Tag Archives: Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Richard Armitage. I’m so glad you came into my life.


“My universe will never be the same, I’m glad you came, I’m glad you came . . .”

Dear Richard,

It was thanks to a smouldering, anachronistically black leather-clad medieval henchman swaggering into my life one summer’s evening in 2007 that I became an Ardent Armitage Admirer.


Guy was a slow burn for me; gorgeous, yes, but a bit of a smarmy bastard at first (well, you did want us to hate you, although I never managed that). And then I began to catch on to what you, this British actor I’d never heard of before was doing with the classic cardboard cut-out of a villain–you were giving this version of Sir Guy breadth and depth, bringing in so many subtle nuances in this, at times, distinctly unsubtle production.

You piqued my interest, Richard. I started watching fanvids, met some cool fellow admirers, began to read up on you on the major sites like Richard Armitage Net.

I felt I needed to explore more of your work. There wasn’t a whole lot available on this side of the pond, but I got my hands on the productions that were: “North and South,” “The Impressionists,” and “The Vicar of Dibley.” My husband scored a region-free player for me–God bless that man!–and I found a copy of “Sparkhouse” (and soon began ordering from Amazon UK and eventually collecting pretty much everything you’ve done–yes, even “Cleopatra.” Oh, stop giggling. On second thought, keep it up. It’s delightful).

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And here’s what I discovered: not only could you bring subtlety and nuance to your characters, you were so damned versatile. A veritable acting chameleon are you, dearest Rich. I felt as if I was meeting a new and different person each time, so fully fleshed out was each character.  I believed in the reality of each of these men, I walked with them on their journeys; I cared. Sometimes, I cried.

You are such a good, detailed actor, the consummate professional and a true team player. And you aren’t exactly hard on the eyes, either, whether or not you feel comfortable admitting it.

But above and beyond that, I discovered something else about you. Richard Armitage, you are a nice guy. And as the wife of one, I have a great appreciation for nice guys.

You are a gentleman who shows sensitivity towards others. Your generous, charitable heart shines. You have a lovely, slightly naughty sense of humor that never seems mean-spirited. Physically, you are a big, strapping man; but you are also a man with a big spirit. Nothing petty and small-minded about you.



I have no idea what will come next for you in your career; I just want it to be all that you want it to be, regardless of what we fans desire. I wish you continued good health and happiness and love in its every form in this coming year. Goodness knows, you deserve it all.

Happy birthday, Richard Armitage. I’m glad you came into this world 42 years ago, and I am so very glad you came into my world eight years ago. My universe will truly never be the same.

With love  and affection and deepest admiration,

One more member of the AAA.