Thorin TheRApy: New trailer to debut Tuesday . . . & a word for Mr. A.


DoSCalendar-02Will we see a fierce Thorin on the Great Barrel Ride? Image from Richard Armitage Net from another 2014 DoS Calendar.

Just to catch you all up: After fighting a murderous vascular headache over the weekend and missing our Lowndes Academy Homecoming Dance shoot for PRP, things improved Monday. Monday night I spent with my fellow thespians doing a skeletal blocking of “Dying for a Drink.”  We have the challenge of fine-tuning the logistics of six actors working within a small space–one part of a banquet room serving as our “stage” and with only one actual door to use.  We had to put on our thinking caps. I, of course, wear a drinking cap for this little production. 😉 They all seem to like my performance as a drunken widow (who gets increasing drunk and accusatory as the play progresses). I love doing it. It’s a win-win sitch!

Now, back to Mr. Armitage and the world’s sexiest dwarf.  I missed out on all those posts relating to the DoS trailer being confirmed to debut today (Tuesday). Am I worked up into a blissful lather about this? Not really, because I have so much else on my mind (and I have to go assist with photo taking tomorrow at our Second Chance Rescue, so can’t stay up too late). Nevertheless, it will be most pleasant if we get some new images and sound bites of the Majestic One.

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Snaffled from Servetus at me + Richard Armitage. He’s bee-yooo-tiful in blue.

And what do you suppose we will see of TO himself ?   The barrel ride pictured at top (that is a portion of the upcoming film I eagerly anticipate. Wet, roaring Thorin is always welcome here) seems likely. Surely one of the most action-packed sequences of the film not involving a battle . . .


Thorin, looking all manly and rough-hewn in his more rustic new threads?


Thorin, in his old threads and The Pelt (where are you, Lady 0akenshield?), weapon ready and ready to get his fierce on? *hubba hubba*


Is that an almost Guy-like smoulder I glimpse there? Hoping to see a few of those myself–especially around those high-falutin’ fancy pants dwarves. *sniff*

Well, I suppose we will all know pretty soon. Oh, and one more thing. OK, Mr. Armitage, I understand it if you see yourself as a dog person. Hey, they are friendly and faithful and funny and great companions. I love them, too! I have visualized some of your chaRActers playing with my own pooches on more than one occasion. But I have one word—



She’s beautiful, sweet, friendly and she’ll charm the cotton socks right off of you, Mr. A.  AND she has a bit of a naughty side, too. 😉

You just haven’t met the right pussycat yet.  *purrrrrrrrrr*

About fedoralady

I'm an LA native--Lower Alabama, that is. My husband of more than 30 years and I live here on a portion of my family's former farm with two gorgeous calicos and a handsome GSD mix. My background is art education, and over the years I've been a teacher, department store photographer, sales associate and a journalist. My husband, his business partner and I have Pecan Ridge Productions, a video production company, for which I shoot & edit video and stills and manage marketing. I also still write part-time for the local paper. I love movies, music, art, photography and books, and my tastes in all of them are eclectic.

14 responses »

  1. I am here! *waves* and praying to Mahal that we will see some #PeltyGoodness at 10pm tonight (my time here in Erebor) in the new trailer. I tell you what – someone will be feeling the pointy end of my sword if the new trailer is filled with those pesky elves!

    • *waves from all the way in Lower Alabama* Hey, girl! That was a quick response! 😀 I know they will feel the need to have Thrandie and Leggie and Tauriel (NTM a couple of other new players in this installment) featured–and oh, yeah, the hobbit himself, but I dearly hope there are some choice Thorin moments–and dwarf moments in general!!

      • My BJ could charm the birds out of the trees–een though I call him”goofus” most of the time and he does have a tendency to be very goofy.

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