Tag Archives: Richard Interview with Lorraine in HD

10,000 followers at Richard Armitage Net today. Congrats!


Just found out via Twitter that Ali’s wonderful site–an absolute must for any true RA fan–has now gained 10,000 followers. Ali told us earlier that the numbers really spiked upward after the Twitter Q&A and today reached that milestone. Hooray!

I told Ali earlier I was a fan from the days of a previous site, Army Dreamers, and I have enjoyed watching Richard Armitage Net grow and flourish over the years.  Who of us doesn’t love the Picture of the Day (POD), or checking out the latest poll results? And we know Ali works hard to keep us abreast of all the latest Richard news, from the most recent photos (and older ones that have newly surfaced) to print and video interviews.

As Richard’s career grows and his fanbase widens, more and more people will come to discover Ali’s site. I just want to say “thank you” for all your hard work, Ali. Congrats!

You can follow Ali at Twitter at @Ranetdotcom (which I highly recommend if you aren’t already following and you have a Twitter account) to stay uber-up-to-date.  Or keep her page bookmarked on your computer and refresh it regularly.  www.richardarmitagenet.com  She is also at Facebook!

And here’s that latest interview with Lorraine in HD–courtesy of Ali’s 13-year-old whiz kid. Seems it runs in the famly.