Tag Archives: Richard Armitage Net

A ‘proud, cantankerous’ father figure: An Xbox SmartGlass Exclusive Vid Clip


This clip is part of an exclusive featurette, “The Company of Dwarves,” which you get when you buy THAUJ on Xbox Video. It features Richard Armitage, Dean O’Gorman and Aidan Turner talking about their respective characters and their relationships with one another, and gives lots of behind-the-scenes looks at the making of the film. Quite a lot of Thoriny goodness here. And the rumble of Richard’s voice. And I do believe I detected a note of Richard in Dean’s character voice–well, he did say he patterned it after RA, right?

Richard describes Thorin as a proud, cantankerous, angry, burdened man who has developed a hard shell from life’s circumstances. Yet the uncrowned King Under the Mountain also tries to be a father figure to his two fatherless nephews, Kili and Fili, grooming the eldest to one day sit on the throne and lead his people. We see how the three share a strong bond. Watch and enjoy! Thank you, RA Net, for the heads up on this at Twitter.

10,000 followers at Richard Armitage Net today. Congrats!


Just found out via Twitter that Ali’s wonderful site–an absolute must for any true RA fan–has now gained 10,000 followers. Ali told us earlier that the numbers really spiked upward after the Twitter Q&A and today reached that milestone. Hooray!

I told Ali earlier I was a fan from the days of a previous site, Army Dreamers, and I have enjoyed watching Richard Armitage Net grow and flourish over the years.  Who of us doesn’t love the Picture of the Day (POD), or checking out the latest poll results? And we know Ali works hard to keep us abreast of all the latest Richard news, from the most recent photos (and older ones that have newly surfaced) to print and video interviews.

As Richard’s career grows and his fanbase widens, more and more people will come to discover Ali’s site. I just want to say “thank you” for all your hard work, Ali. Congrats!

You can follow Ali at Twitter at @Ranetdotcom (which I highly recommend if you aren’t already following and you have a Twitter account) to stay uber-up-to-date.  Or keep her page bookmarked on your computer and refresh it regularly.  www.richardarmitagenet.com  She is also at Facebook!

And here’s that latest interview with Lorraine in HD–courtesy of Ali’s 13-year-old whiz kid. Seems it runs in the famly.

‘Cause I can’t wait.


If you want to see all of “Staged” . . .


Then improve the odds by visiting director Darren Denison’s Facebook page and “like” it. The more interest shown, the greater the likelihood we will get to see all 15 minutes and not just that wonderful teaser of a trailer!


Thanks to Ali at RANet for the heads up!

Here are a couple of color screencaps from Staged Denison shared on his Facebook page; I have done a bit of embellishing.  That last one puts some serious thoughts into my head.



More on early emoting Armitage: RANet’s interview & fanart


In case you haven’t read this yet, here is the interview Richard Armitage Net did with Darren Denison, director of the short film “Staged” starring a young Richard Armitage in the early stages of his acting career. Thanks, ladies and Mr. Denison, for bringing us more information into this fascinating glimpse into our favorite actor’s early acting career!


I also played around with some of the screencaps of young Armitage from the trailer.

Darren Denison Interview ‘Staged’ 1999

‘Staged’ Synopsis

A couple is at war with one another during dress rehearsal while attempting to make a come back to the stage, starring Richard Armitage and Jennifer Taylor Lawrence.

Watch the trailer here on Vimeo.

The short trailer shows Richard and Jennifer Taylor Lawrence at the Hackney Empire Theatre in London, recorded in 1999.


Darren Denison has kindly answered some questions regarding his short film, Staged, after he posted a trailer on Vimeo on Tuesday 8th January 2013.

Thank you for posting the trailer this morning, can you tell us more about the production please?

Thank you for your interest in “STAGED” and for wanting to share it on your website. I’m glad you liked the trailer! I was taken aback by all the attention the trailer is getting this morning as it was something done long ago. I just thought my twitter followers would be interested in seeing it and of my experience with Richard and Jennifer. A few of my Twitter followers and Facebook friends requested I share the trailer due to their great interest in Richard and his amazing role in THE HOBBIT. He surely deserves all the success that is granted to him as he was wonderful to work with!

On auditioning Richard for the role of ‘Daryl’: Richard’s strikingly handsome headshot stood out to me from the 500 submissions sent and I was impressed with what he had done, having been in a few movies and TV programs by then as well as performing in the Royal Shakespeare Company. He was already represented by among the top agents in London. So we met up at my flat in London for an audition/interview. Richard gave a flawless audition with the character of “Daryl Newman”! But what stood out most to me was his personable charm, humility and charisma, which I found endearing and captivating. I cast him on the spot and looked no further! Then the lovely Jennifer Taylor Lawrence (remininscent of a young Lauren Becall) came to the audition and I had her read with him and there was instant chemistry between them professionally and on camera. It’s always wonderful to see when two actors meet and have that instant connection and on screen chemistry. With Jennifer’s infamous voice, her vulnerability as well as her strength as an actress I felt she was Richard’s match and indeed she was!

Where was the film shown? It was only shown at a couple of private screenings and was never internationally because I had just graduated from University, moved back to California from London and immediately started working for Casting Director Victoria (Burrows – LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY, KING KONG) and then soon afterwards, 20th Century Fox in their Film/TV Distribution division. STAGED was not shown widely due to my very hectic schedule at the time. It’s a shame as we were all very proud of the piece. Just recently my associate has been updating IMDB with my projects including STAGED, and Richard’s name nor the rest of the crew and cast haven’t been added yet, except for Jennifer Taylor Lawrence and myself.









Oh, my. Once again I am discombobulated. But in a good way.


And the reason for my  discombobulation (finding oneself flustered into a state of confusion or disconcertion) was seeing this image from an Asian movie magazine at Richard Armitage Net:


I really should be asleep, or attempting to do so, but I’ve had this annoying pain in my upper left side for a couple of days–a pulled muscle, I am quite certain–and it’s hard to get comfy. So I decided to check RANet to see what I’d missed and lo and behold, I found the above image.

Now, I wish there wasn’t that big ol’ shadow, and I wish they hadn’t Photoshopped away his forehead scar or some of his lovely smile lines–but it’s still a stunner.  The gaze, the stubble, the open collar on the black shirt, the faintest hint of a smile that makes you wonder what he’s thinking . . . so I was forced, forced I tell you, to play with this image.  Here are some of the results. Yeah, there’s even more, and I still don’t think I am done having fun. 😉





