Tag Archives: Scarlett Kitten

Sir Guy is reading–‘Urban’?? and Ladywriter tries to get RL Ducks in Row


Sir Guy was loafing on the blue loveseat in the living room, long legs crossed at the ankles and draped across the back of the furniture. Scarlett was draped across his well-toned tummy while his handsome aquiline nose was tucked into the paperback in his hand. The Bernard Hare book, of all things. Would wonders ever cease?

“So that’s where my book got to!” Ladywriter, her arms folded across her chest, smiled down at the duo. A pair of kohl-rimmed blue eyes (nicely accented by the color of the upholstery) peeped at her above the edge of the book.  Did she detect a hint of sheepishness there? NOT that he would admit it.

“Urhm . . . yes, well . . .” Sir Guy sniffed and gave a nonchalant shrug of his Floppy Pirate Shirt-clad shoulders.  “Thought I might just–take a peek. Since you have not yet read this tome,” he added in a faintly accusatory tone. Standing up for his CReAtor, was he?

Ladywriter sighed. “I told you, my dearest dark knight, my mind has been going in a thousand different directions of late and I’d like to be able to concentrate on the story as it deserves.” Her mouth curled into a smirk. “And some of us have to work at building our business for a living, you know . . . ”

Sir Guy raised a brow. “And some of us had to–perish–in a particularly nasty way to get to enter this Valhalla known as the Land of the So Not Dead.”

Ladywriter bowed her head. “‘Tis true, Sir Guy, and I do not begrudge you one minute of your much-deserved happiness.”

He gave her a gracious nod in return.  “Thank you, my lady.  It was your idea in the first place, the entire SND thing . . .”



“And once the craziness of this weekend and the first part of next week are over, then, perhaps, I can settle down and read the book.  In the meantime, I’ve got interview questions for several people to write for our bonus feature on the POTR video, along with a script for my hippy dippy video jockey from the 70s to do, and Benny will be shooting me in front of the green screen Sunday, I’ve got a Tuesday luncheon date with our yogi we are shooting an instructional vid for, interviews and behind-the-scenes footage to shoot Tuesday night . . .”

Sir Guy stroked Scarlett, who proceeded to purr softly as she squinted at the big, handsome fellow she adored.  It was good being Ladywriter’s cat. You got to meet the most interesting ChaRActers . . .


“And–a doctor’s visit Monday?” He tilted his head. “You KNOW you haven’t been feeling that well of late, either.”

She shrugged. “No, but I was hanging on for that appointment. At long last. WITH my former student, no less.  A very intelligent and very sweet young man. He’s gotten raves from his other patients. So–I have hopes . . .” She crossed her fingers on both hands.

“So–enjoy the book and tell me what you think, and be patient with me, dear Sir Guy. You KNOW you are still my favorite ChaRActer . . .”

And always will be.




I really *didn’t* fall off the face of the earth, I promise.


But I *did* lose my internet last Thursday night and just got it back tonight. It’s been a long week in some ways. I did put the downtime to some constructive use–my laptop’s hard drive has some extra space it didn’t have before once I started clearing out graphics I no longer liked and deleting duplicate photos. I found some RA-related edits I had completely forgotten I had even done.  It’s sort of like going on a treasure hunt . . .




I also enjoyed doing more reading and, yes, even some writing, mostly memory pieces about aspects of growing up in the farmhouse. Posted one of them to “Honeysuckle and Sweet Tea” with more to come.  http://angieklong.wordpress.com/2014/02/27/for-so-much-more-than-meals-remembering-that-dining-room-table/?preview=true&preview_id=211&preview_nonce=242168343e

And of course, there is the pleasure of playing with Scarlett Kitten.  Who is currently using me as a cat bed. Should have seen her lolling on her dad earlier tonight, completely winding him around her adorable little paw.  As he says, “she’s a pretty decent cat.” 😉



And yes, I also did this. Shave my legs, that is. Although Stanley Stunning here hasn’t shown up yet, more’s the pity. *sigh*

Oh, YOU, Mr. Armitage. *thud*


The Accountant, the Kitten and the Sassy Ladywriter: Spring is Coming!


Scarlett Kitten was sitting in the open kitchen window at Ladywriter’s house, enjoying the balmy breeze periodically ruffling her silky fur. Something Mama called “Spring” was apparently in the air, and Scarlett had decided she liked it. The fresh air was wonderful after the long, cold, dreary winter.


“Scarlett Kitten! How are you this mild February afternoon?” A cheery male voice exclaimed. With a chirrup of clear delight, Scarlett bounded over the sink and straight into Harry Kennedy’s jumper-clad arms,  where she quickly wrapped her little body around his sleeve to do a bit of grappling. Scarlett loved to sleeve-wrestle with her favorite menfolk, the taller and looser-limbed, the better.

In spite of the warmth of the day, Harry was not overheated in his cozy knitwear; such was one of the benefits of being a ChaRActer.  He looked as boyishly appealing and infinitely cuddly as ever, irresistible to cat or cat mother.


“Harry! So good to see you again!” Ladywriter’s face was wreathed in a smile at the sight of the Handsome Not-Really-Stranger. “I see Scarlett has already made herself at home on your arm . . . ”

and she’s feeling quite frisky, it would seem.” Rubbing the purring kitten, he tilted his head, his brow furrowing just a little as he studied Ladywriter. She’d apparently been to Town. She was wearing her red lippie and her favorite teal blouse, the one that made her eyes look almost-green.


“I do believe you are sporting a new hairstyle, LW. A change for Spring?”

Yep.” She gave a sassy toss to her head. “A little shorter, a different shade for the new season. Spring is coming–can’t you feel it?–and I am feeling, I don’t know—hopeful again.”

LW shrugged her shoulders and gave Harry a wry smile. “It’s weird. I’m still poor, I still hurt, I still have a heck of a time getting up and down stairs. But that awful sense of complete despair has left me, for now, at least. I am reading more, writing more, taking more photos and doing edits . . . having fun being creative. Getting to know some of the folks commenting on my FB page for the CReAtor. Getting outside and playing with the dogs and getting some fresh air.”

She paused and gave him a flirtatious sidelong glance.

“Laughing a lot with my sweet, loveable Harry-like Benny.”


Harry, cheeks flushing at the compliment, gave LW one of those dazzling grins that simply melted a girl of any age’s heart.

“That’s wonderful. Sounds like you have a bit of Spring Fever, Ladywriter.”

She nodded. “I think you’re right.  Let’s hope it lasts for a while, darling Harry. Like my addiction to your CReAtor and his ChaRActers, this ‘illness’ seems to do me good.”  LW sighed. “If only dear Richard knew just how much he has positively impacted me . . .”


And here’s to the imminent arrival of a new season . . .

All photos taken and edited by yours truly. Vicar of Dibley screencap from Richard Armitage Net; my edit.