Daily Archives: July 7, 2014

Don’t try to fit Fedoralady or RA fandom in tidy little box


I am not fat, white or middle-aged. Oh, but wait a minute, you say.


Are you not significantly over your recommended weight? Isn’t your skin of a distinctly light hue? Didn’t your fiftieth birthday come and go several years ago, with another one fast approaching?”


Yes, yes, and yes, is my response. But that is not who I am. These things do not define my character, my personality, my humanity. They play their roles in my life, certainly; but they are not me.

Who am I?


I am intelligent, curious, a learner with a life-long love of books; I am funny, sometimes sarcastic, and I do love to laugh, but I try not to be mean-spirited about it.


I am passionate, sometimes moody and I do possess a hot temper, one I have worked hard to regulate over the years. I am impatient. I am kind and compassionate but do not wear out my welcome mat.


I am also ambitious. I like being recognized for my accomplishments but it’s not a primary motivation for me. I like being better at something today than I was yesterday. I am likely my harshest critic.


I am shy, and I am a complete ham. I love art and music and dance; I draw and sing well but I’m a complete klutz and envy those who move with elegance and grace.


My tastes in the arts, in interior design, in—everything, really–are eclectic. I love Mozart and bluegrass fiddles, Shakespeare and Lewis Grizzard, Norman Rockwell and Monet.


I love my pets. Honestly, if something happened to my kitten, I am quite sure I would be a basket case. But I do eat meat and wear leather (if not fur). I live in the country, not far from where I grew up, but I have also lived in urban areas, traveled overseas and met and worked with people from all over the world.


I try to see both sides of an issue and to be fair and not judgmental. In some ways I am conservative, and in others, quite liberal. But don’t label me one or the other, please.


I have a condition that has changed my life and disabled me to a certain degree, but to simply look at me you’d likely not know it.


I am admirable in some ways, and in others, not so much. I am what I am, and I don’t fit into a tidy little box.


I am also a fan of a particular actor named Richard Armitage.


We don’t fit into tidy little boxes, either, this fandom, this group of well wishers, ardent admirers, fangurlz (and boyz)–whatever you may call us.


We come in all shapes, sizes, colors, ages, backgrounds, nationalities, political, social and religious ideologies and sexual orientation


What unites us is our desire to champion and to celebrate the talent, versatility and charisma of a lovely human being, a man who happens to be beautiful inside and out.


Here is a man who has inspired us on so many levels, and taken us on journeys of self-discovery with his detailed and nuanced characterizations. A man who has gotten us through some “dark nights of the soul.”


For anyone to dismiss us as a bunch of silly, foolish old fat females, clueless and naïve in our admiration for this particular actor is, well, silly and foolish in itself.


You really need to think outside the box.