Tag Archives: John Milton

FanstRAvaganza 3 Day 5: (Freeform) What are your dream RA audiobooks? With Poll


So many books, such a wonderful, rich, deep, marvelously expressive voice. So hard to choose which ones you’d would most like to have Richard record as an audiobook . . . but here are some suggestions from fellow bloggers and readers for books they would like to see (or should I say, hear) receiving Mr. Honey Tongue’s treatment. Vote for your top picks in our poll that will be up for one week and check out some comments on why these and other books were chosen. Please feel free to share your own choices that aren’t on this list. Enjoy “browsing” through the books!

Sorry, I know there are some goofs in the poll in spellings but it won’t allow me to go in and change anything in the poll without starting all over again and this was the third time I did this . . . let’s say I haven’t been my best lately in terms of getting restorative sleep. Anyway, the names of authors are correct in the body copy here and on the book covers. 😉 Thanks for the heads up, KG. Don’t forget to vote!
Not too surprisingly The Hobbit and North & South appeared on more than one wish list. Another novel that made it to multiple lists was The Sunne in Splendour. This Sharon Kay Penman book chronicles the life of Richard III, the focus of RA’s dream project and a thread here for F3.
“I’m desperate for him to play Richard III and not the Shakespeare/Tudor travesty version!,” says Vicki.
“But if that can’t happen, his narration of the book would be the next best thing.”

Richard’s narration of Bernard Cornwell’s Lords of the North has some readers wanting more from the RA/BC team.
“I would love Death of Kings because Richard has already done Uthred and he was fab,” says Debbie.
Carla wants to hear Cornwell’s Excalibur: A Story of Arthur. Carla’s also pining for Austen’s Emma and Hardy’s Far from the Madding Crowd. “Historical and romantic novels” are what she prefers to hear Mr. A do.

Debbie would like to hear Mr. A’s golden tongue wrap around Richard Llewellyn‘s 1939 bestseller How Green Was My Valley.
“Can you just imagine That Voice reading that book?” she says with a sigh.

Two classic novels on Vicki’s wish list includes Tolstoy’s War & Peace and Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover.

“I have War & Peace sitting on my shelf and I confess I have never gotten more than a few chapters in before giving up. I think Richard might just be the incentive I need to get to the end! It’s a very long book–and I would want it unabridged–and we would get the chocolate velvet voice treat for longer. Plus, I am sure he’d need to do more Lucas-esque Russian words/accents.”

As for the Lawrence book–Vicki says she doesn’t think that one needs any explanation.

Amanda would love for RA to continue his Heyer tradition and read Sprig Muslin. “It’s a great story, there’s a wide range of male and female characters of all ages–and on a shallow note, there is a character named Amanda.” She also pines for John Milton’s “breathtakingly beautiful poetry,” Paradise Lost  and any of Lisa Kleypas’s Hathaway series, particularly Mine ‘Til Midnight.

Laurie admits she has a hard time narrowing down her choices. “I would love to hear him read Diana Gabaldon‘s Outlander series and the Thomas Pitt and William Monk mystery novels by Anne Perry. All these books have wonderful stories and rich characters . . . I could go on and on.”

Judit is looking for laughs with one of her dream audiobooks: Leave it to Psmith by PG Wodehouse. “Richard would be absolutely hilarious as Lord Emsworth, Freddie Threepwood and, of course, Psmith.” She would also like to hear him take on a contemporary work, Nick Hornsby’s About a Boy, a novel she describes as “funny, moving and one of my all-time favourites.” Iz4blue is in a classic mood with her choice of Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence.

Nadia would love to hear Richard narrating Alexander Dumas’s The Count of Monte Cristo. “It’s an amazing story of betrayal and revenge . . . complex, epic, heartbreaking, sorrowful. Richard would make a wonderful Comte de Monte Cristo–romantic, handsome, mysterious. At more than 1300 pages, sweet Richard’s mouth would be dry!” (There definitely seemed to be a trend towards unabridged books–and lengthy ones.)

So, would  you put some of these titles on your own audio book wish lists? Or do you have some entirely different reads in mind for RA? Do tell!

If you missed yesterday’s posts in the free form thread, visit Gratiana at  http://gratianads90@wordpress.com ,   Jas Rangoon at http://memythoughtsandwhoknows@wordpress.com   and Itsjsforme at http://doIhaveablog@wordpress.com.  Today, head over to JT’s Blog at http://mrjthornton@blogspot.com  and to Agzy at http://iwanttobeapinup@wordpress.com  Tomorrow’s freeform tagteamers will be Fabo at http://whiterosewritings@blogspot.com, Cat Winchester at http://cswinchester@blogspot.com and Gratiana at http://gratianads90@wordpress.com.

Check out all these fab posts! Hope you are having a fantRAstic time at FanstRAvaganza.

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