How do I like this picture? Let me count the ways . . .



Courtesy of Richard Armitage Argentina; (EDIT) original screencap, not cropped, can be found here:  (thanks for heads up on this, Micra 1!)

I love the open shirt and the peek at the manly chest hair . . . the well-worn jeans snug over that luscious muscular thigh . . . the amazing architecture of that hand as he pecks away at his tablet (?), the hair, slightly disheveled and I am thinking, a little damp from a recent shower . . . the three-quarter view of his face allowing us to see his intent gaze and one of those arresting elfin ears, the handsome aquiline nose . . . the beard . . . oh, so many things. *sigh* *thud* *drool*

OK, back to trying to get some paying work done . . .

About fedoralady

I'm an LA native--Lower Alabama, that is. My husband of more than 30 years and I live here on a portion of my family's former farm with two gorgeous calicos and a handsome GSD mix. My background is art education, and over the years I've been a teacher, department store photographer, sales associate and a journalist. My husband, his business partner and I have Pecan Ridge Productions, a video production company, for which I shoot & edit video and stills and manage marketing. I also still write part-time for the local paper. I love movies, music, art, photography and books, and my tastes in all of them are eclectic.

43 responses »

    • I am certain you will provide a much more erudite and in-depth analysis, Prof–I was just reacting from the old punch in the solar plexus, because I was so glad I FELT it. 😉

      • To be honest, I saw it first as a cap on “Love, Sex, and Dirty Words,” so that’s what I’m writing about, and that’s whom I’m crediting, but I’ll add your link.

      • I did reblog it on tumblr 🙂

        The deal with tumblr is that the culture is one of friendly theft. It has its good points and its bad points, Anything put on tumblr disseminates way faster and further, but it means you absolutely lose control of it, and almost immediately. This is a recurring battle — just when I was joining the fandom there was a huge storm going on on YT about people who were using YT to steal vid from each other and then reusing it without attribution.

        re: tumblr — I’m thinking of the young woman who posted a picture of Richard Armitage’s letter to her there several weeks ago — it got reblogged something like 4000 times, I believe. When she decided she wanted to erase it, she deleted her post but reached only a fraction of the people who’d reblogged it.

        • Thank you very much Servetus! Very kind 😀

          tumblr is indeed out of control, as a matter of fact. For the good and the bad. It’s a lost battle I suppose 😉 And the platform doesn’t help because if you don’t use particular extensions tags are eliminated with the reblog. And comments are sometimes cropped so in the end you don’t understand what’s going on. They constantly change graphic, some minor features but never deal with the main issues.

          • I actually have a tumblr account and my posts do go directly there. I have several dozen followers, but I have just never gotten “in” to it. I find my fibro-fogged brain can only handle so much social media and then the circuits seem to overload.

            • tumblr is “dangerous” 😛 it sucks your life in its deep space and you cant come back to RL. I must try to detox myself ;.)

              • See, I feel sucked in enough as it is by social media (personally and through my volunteer work and our video production co.) so I think it’s better if I don’t venture down that way. 😉

  1. Sorry I don’t want to make a rant here and surely it isn’t your fault. But the pic is a crop from an original screen cap from AUJ EE Extra I posted this morning on my tumblr. Some time after it was cropped and reposted without any credit. And then I supposed found its way to FB. This is the original one:

    I didn’t want to cut out the other person and the boots!
    That said, your reactions are exactly mine… Love this pic, and the video is better… watching his finger scrolling the iPad… well. And his eyes following the screen.. ok, micra, shut up.

  2. Boom!! This picture really really rocks! You can’t help but look at it and think “What a man!” But why is his shirt so open? Sitting around playing with his iPad? Shirt unbuttoned?? Reminds me of the Todd Snyder pic – why was he walking around NYC with his shirt so undone?? No answers. Interesting, though. Love this picture. Love love love!

    • I know, I wonder if he got distracted and just forget to finishing buttoning it or something . . . but I sure am appreciative of those undone buttons, let me tell you! Hubba-hubba!!

  3. Is it even possible to count them? I’m *way* too distracted by how he looks there and what he is wearing, NTM the unbuttoned shirt. Good grief! Could he possibly look more masculine? 😉 *gulp*

  4. Very nice picture, thank you to both Micra1 and Fedoralady for making my day. Okay really it is better than a very nice picture.

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