“So much raw emotion . . . ” Feline Female’s review of TC preview


In case you missed it, this is the report that Feline Female left at my last blog post. All these accounts just make me want to see this exciting theatrical performance all the more! Thanks, Feline Female, for sharing with us.

Hi we were there on the first night performance, and it was powerful theatre from all the cast but Richard made you really feel the anger, frustration, tenderness and despair.

There was a standing ovation at the end for the whole cast, then Richard stepped forward and the noise of clapping trebled thunderously and he gave a little smile. I think he nearly went hoarse – he showed so much raw emotion. Afterwards he spent at least an hour at the stage door signing autographs, having his photo taken, and being hugged!

He speaks very quietly and gently and seemed genuinely touched by his fans, being so approachable, such a sweet guy. I hope it gets an excellent review from all the theatre critics.

It began at 7.30 and finished at about 11.30 with an half an hour interval so they all worked tremendously hard, and my heart was in my mouth when Samantha Colley ( Abigail ) leapt right up high onto his back and shoulders and brought him down to the ground like a little wild cat! we were just 4 rows back and it was lovely when he stripped off his shirt to wash! ( My heart was in my mouth then as well but for different reasons!!) – Loved him !


About fedoralady

I'm an LA native--Lower Alabama, that is. My husband of more than 30 years and I live here on a portion of my family's former farm with two gorgeous calicos and a handsome GSD mix. My background is art education, and over the years I've been a teacher, department store photographer, sales associate and a journalist. My husband, his business partner and I have Pecan Ridge Productions, a video production company, for which I shoot & edit video and stills and manage marketing. I also still write part-time for the local paper. I love movies, music, art, photography and books, and my tastes in all of them are eclectic.

4 responses »

  1. Thanks, Grati. Just makes you want to see this all the more, doesn’t it? Imagining that scene with Colley leaping on RA’s back like a wildcat . . . and of course, the shirtless scene. And all the angst and passion and pathos and despair . . . wow.

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