New pix: On a cold night, a grown-up “Harry K.” to warm me


Busy day. Up early. Freezing this morning. Fibro body uncooperative. Wore boots to town to keep feet warm. Almost fell twice. People ARE going to think I actually do drink. Somewhat gloomy news at the humane society meeting. We are doing so much good in the county and yet we are behind on our bills. Gee, we are having the same problem! Need more money and SOON! Must get my fundraising idea underway but only one person brought collection container . . . worked on video project for PRP. Started all over again because it just wasn’t “right.” Tried to get to sleep  Stressed. Depressed. Cried. Back up. So cold without central heat~

And then I saw these, posted by Fernanda Matias at the Richard Armitage Appreciation Society page on FB. 1422464_10152066595183993_287174946_n








I’d say more, but my hands are now turning into icicles and to bed I must return. Maybe I can finally sleep and dream of a lovely, manly man with nape curls and tempting stubble, casually clad in vests and cozy sweaters and plaid . . . looking very fanciable. What’s going on behind those blue eyes?  . . .  Good night.

About fedoralady

I'm an LA native--Lower Alabama, that is. My husband of more than 30 years and I live here on a portion of my family's former farm with two gorgeous calicos and a handsome GSD mix. My background is art education, and over the years I've been a teacher, department store photographer, sales associate and a journalist. My husband, his business partner and I have Pecan Ridge Productions, a video production company, for which I shoot & edit video and stills and manage marketing. I also still write part-time for the local paper. I love movies, music, art, photography and books, and my tastes in all of them are eclectic.

32 responses »

  1. They are just so beautiful aren’t they? Just when I think he can’t get anymore attractive he goes and does it again- exceeds my expectations over and over.

    Hope you manage to get a good nights sleep,

    Bolly x

  2. arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh. There’s more???????? Oh my goodness. (I was literally talking aloud when I spotted the pics here on your blog just now, swearing and thudding simultaneously.) Dayum… Thanks for posting the bigger versions, Angie. I have to wipe up the puddle now.

    • I was looking at these in the wee chilly hours and you know what? I said to myself, “Wow, Guylty will be “ooofing” like mad over these!!!!” 😉 I have to give credit to my friend Fernanda for getting those larger versions up at FB right about the time I logged on FB . . . it was–serendipity! 😀

      • *ggg* I have created a monster… Those *ooof*s will be the death of me. On the other hand – how nice to think that my name/activity is associated with RA’s pics 😀
        I have to hand it to the Army – some people are so quick, it amazes me. And I am thankful that others are so vigilant and generous in sharing. That includes you, Angie, because I keep my FB participation strictly private 😀

        • Yes, absolutely, you’ve started something!! 😀 I’d just had such a–I don’t know–stressful day, that being able to log on and see that lovely gallery of pics from Getty Images was really nice and the perk up I desperately needed, you know? Just had to share the goodness . . .

          • I know – it is amazing how uplifting/soothing/happiness inducing images can be. Especially when they contain a certain someone… Hope you’ll feel better today. xx

            • It really is. Mr. Armitage doesn’t know just how much he helps us at times, does he?! Thanks, it’s a very cold but beautiful morning here, I am in a better frame of mind, and have our extra rehearsal for the mystery dinner theater at 4 today, so I am going to be running over my lines and doing some video editing for PRP, amongst other things. 😀

              • You know how they tell actors “to break a leg” before the first show. I’d tell you that, but with your luck you probably would….LOL i gotta find something else to say just before the curtain comes up for the Grand Dame!

              • I am DEFINITELY wearing my flats with good traction for this, because the same thought occurred to me, Arkie! LOL After all, I have to purposely stagger around, especially for my grand exit when I tell them I am leaving “every last schtinkin’ dime–to the donkey shanctuary!” 😉

  3. Thanks for these! They are just now hitting the fandom – and I do mean hitting! But that’s alright; they can hit all they want, and I’ll enjoy it. 😀

    • Yes, I saw them within the first half-hour or so of them hitting the Net overnight . . . and boy, it was right when I needed it, too! 😉 Repeated hits of this “drug” can only be good for you.

  4. These pics made me soooooo late for work today!!! If I get fired from my job it will be Richard’s fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll send him all my bills!

  5. OH MY GOD–I really needed a lift today and now I’m back floating again. How can he keep getting more and more beautiful? I LOVE this look on him–makes me feel like we could be walking hand and hand or arm in arm through country fields, just being. I LOVE this man!

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