Where do you sign up to be Thorin’s hair wrangler?


Thanks to RANet for the link to another RA goody.

This BBC lXtra Radio interview which was also videotaped (yes!), doesn’t cover a great deal of new ground but it’s interesting nonetheless–well, there’s the sight and sound of the lovely Richard, sure to brighten anyone’s Friday morning!

I even forgive Sarah-Jane Crawford for asking THAT question at the end. You know, the one about the C-I-R-C-U-S. He manages to laugh at it–even as we roll our eyes and sigh loudly.

And I am now entranced by the idea of wrangling Thorin’s rampant locks. I do need a job . . . and I always wanted to see New Zealand. 😀

About fedoralady

I'm an LA native--Lower Alabama, that is. My husband of more than 30 years and I live here on a portion of my family's former farm with two gorgeous calicos and a handsome GSD mix. My background is art education, and over the years I've been a teacher, department store photographer, sales associate and a journalist. My husband, his business partner and I have Pecan Ridge Productions, a video production company, for which I shoot & edit video and stills and manage marketing. I also still write part-time for the local paper. I love movies, music, art, photography and books, and my tastes in all of them are eclectic.

54 responses »

  1. Heehee I’m now imagining Richard doing a backflip while wearing those tight leather pants he wore as Sir Guy! =D

    • I think so. Love the jacket with open collar. And I don’t think his face looks as full from this angle, either or in the shot of him with the DJ (I like his face any old way he shares it, of course).

  2. What I really want is to be his massage therapist! And the while circus thing was interesting earlier in his career, can’t they come up with something new? Geez Louise!

    • I know, I know, I am ready for the circus question to be dead and buried. Yet he still manages to be quite pleasant and charming about it all. I know he has to be tired of it, but he is such a trouper, bless his beautiful and gentlemanly heart. HOWEVER, I wouldn’t ask him about VoD and the circus back to back–he might get a little tetchy! 😉

      • And who could blame him (certainly not me)? I don’t know how he manages to be so darling about it all, except that that’s just the way he is–but he’s done enough exemplary work now that there are tons of other things to ask him that he might be very happy to expand on!

        • It would be fun to ask him about some of his past roles and ( for the ones who are still living) what he thinks their future holds. Is John Mulligan still in jail, plotting crimes from the inside, how many kids do JT and Margaret have and how are she and the MIL getting along LOL Would he ever consider doing a sequel to N&S? Would he be willing to do a commentary for a special new edition of its DVD? How about how far he as come from those first nervous moments on Richie the horse at Hood Academy to being the dwarves’ best horseman at Dwarf Boot Camp? If he could choose any audiobook to record, what would it be and why?

          Oh, trust, me I could jabber on forever. 😉

          • He has mentioned several times that he feels like he’s always looking for another N & S–if someone came up with a really excellent story and script, I don’t see why he wouldn’t consider a sequel. Or another costume piece if someone can come up with a novel that was not as well known (like N&S) as the Austens or Brontes. One of the Anthony Trollope’s comes to mind, or even one of the lesser known Brontes that hasn’t been filmed umpty-ump times (“The Tenant of Wildfell Hall”). Or one of the Mary Stewart novels–she’s done some amazing work. Or one of the earlier Victoria Holts–her first novel, “Mistress of Mellyn” comes to mind. Like you, I could go on and on.

            • I could go on and on, too, with good questions, I think. Some of the best I’ve heard were asked by children, “Binweevils”.

              Yeah, it was radio, but he looked resplendent, definitely drool-worthy.

              • I still haven’t heard that one–the sound on our computer came back for about ten minutes, then went again–we need to get thing serviced. AGAIN!!!

              • I really wish Benny could take a look at it for you. Not guaranteeing he could fix it, but he’s better than some so-called professional computer techs.

              • I do have one friend who is married to a real computer geek–thinking seriously about calling him and seeing if he’ll take a look at it.

              • Someone on YT was complaining about that Bin Weevils video and the questions and I pointed out that they were asked by children and I thought they did very well!! Better than some of the Twitter questions, that is for certain.

                I love that laugh at the end when he asked if he was going to be asked to “do a back flip on radio.” The giggle that comes into his voice beneath the laugh.

            • Yeah, I’d like to see him do something that hasn’t been filmed to death between theatrical and television versions over the years. I went back and re-read a bunch of Mary Stewart novels a couple of years ago–I read them all back in my early adolescence. I have a sister 10 years older and one six years older and so I was reading all their gothic romance and suspense novels at the same time they were. Read “Jane Eyre” the first time age 10. Lots of Victoria Holt, too. He’d be great in an adaptation of one of the Heyer novels–only one of them ever ended up being made into a movie as best I can recall. They kept optioning them, but they were never made.

              • I think three actually made it to television, but the adaptations were less than stellar. I can easily see him in “Venetia” or “Faro’s Daughter”. “Venetia” has always been my favorite, I was thrilled when he did it as an audiobook. “The Convenient Marriage” would also be good–and I can SO see him as Connan TreMellyn in “Mistress of Mellyn”. If “Rebecca” hadn’t been done so many times, he’d also be a wonderful Maxim.

              • That’s right, there was one film, which Heyer herself was not at all happy with, and three TV movies. Contrary to popular belief, she was willing to have her work on screen (she appreciated the additional income) but ended up unsatisfied with the results. I haven’t read “Faro’s Daughter” yet, I keep waiting for more of her books to show up at a discount in the Kindle Deals. They pop up occasionally. I have forgotten the plot of Mellyn as it’s been so long since I read it. I’ve ALWAYS thought he’d make a great Maxim.

              • “Mellyn” is actually somewhat similar to “Jane Eyre” in content, except that the heroine is not at all the meek, downtrodden type and the hero is a very passionate, intense man surrounded in mystery. The mystery itself is much more to the forefront of the story as well, and more intricate than “Eyre”. After all these years, and after all the books of hers I’ve read, this one still stands as one of my absolute favorites. As I said, I can SO see him in the role.

              • Very happy at the moment–sound came back on long enough for me to listen to the BBC interview. Thought most of it terrific (boy, she just had to get that circus question in there at the last) and our guy looks like he’s feeling somewhat better. It was worth it just to see that.

    • Stefanie, I think you’ll need to sign up for the rotation. Quite a few of us with skilled hands would love to relieve his tension.

  3. I think it’s adorable how his leg is sticking out at an odd angle and how he is doing that thing with his foot, absent-minded like…Thanks for posting this )

  4. Oh, Lordy, I’m afraid if any of us gals got a hold of his locks, we’d never let go!!! 😉 But then again, that wouldn’t be such a bad thing to be entangled in…

  5. Visuals really took over for me on this video. The questions were nothing new. The hair *yawn*, the circus *rolls eyes*. But I was fascinated by the way he was sitting, nearly folding his long legs in half under that chair. (Daisygirl also noticed it). Don’t know why, but somehow that really touched me. maybe because it was so RL and unscripted, a glimpse into subconscious RA? A dote!

    • Does he not continue to fascinate us, between responses in certain interviews to how he sits in others? There is something that always draws the eye, if not the ear. Well, actually, even if it’s the same ol same ol with the questions, just listening to that beautiful voice is a pleasure. As has been said, he could read the phone book and I would be on edge of my seat.

      I do have to say I am besotted with Thorin’s hair. Want to wrangle it so much. Or is it Thorin I want to wrangle?! 😉

        • I think growing my hair out has reminded me what a sensual thing hair can be–I like the way it tickles my bare back when I am undressed and the lovely feeling when Benny strokes it or runs his fingers through it. I would definitely love to run my fingers through his magnificent mane with its becoming silver streaks and twist the braids around my fingers . . . *wibble* *thud*

          • Haven’t had long hair since I was 12, believe it or not–my hair is so incredibly thick that the first time it was cut, the poor hairdresser had to thin it with thinning shears just to get the scissors through it. Also, I have no talent with my hair, so keeping it all cut off seems to be my best bet. But I have had boyfriends over the years that liked the feeling of my fingers running through their hair, so I really love the fantasy of doing the same to Thorin’s thick, lovely mane.

            • I had long hair for most of my childhood, and then short hair for most of my adulthood. Now I must be going through my second childhood?! Mine was so thick when I was younger it was hard to manage at times so I do know what you are talking about. And for years, hairdressers would thin it out a bit with shears and layer it to make it easier to handle. However, Mother Nature has now thinned it a bit for me and I am enjoying playing with it. Benny (who is due for another haircut from me) has lovely, fine, soft hair with natural curl and wave and I do love tousling it! Love RA’s hair when it is long enough to really dishevel. 😉

              • Thanks for giving me something else to think about. Not having a good day today–had words with a close friend, which wound up going much farther than it should have–I know it will get sorted out eventually, but feeling a bit in the dumps for now. Hate when that happens.

              • Well, glad to oblige. Sorry to hear about the words–it happens, and things do smooth over, but it is still painful and discouraging. Enough to put you in the dumps. ((hugs)) I am working on another post that will perhaps help to further take your mind off unhappy things.

              • You are welcome. :DI just went out to pick up the mail and check on the doggies and managed to trip and pull my shoe completely off my foot as I fell coming into the LR. Good news, I fell on padded carpeting this time. Bad news, fell on Even Worse Knee once again. Oh, brother . . . LOL gotta laugh to keep from crying sometimes.

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