It’s My Blogiversary: Let’s Celebrate with Fun Facts, New Vid!


Here’s the stats!

Since February 2, 2012, when the first posts went up for my blog, The Armitage Effect, there have been:

* 28, 536 comments and 555,718 hits (and counting!)

*Total number of followers: 209 blog, 188 Twitter and 92 comments.

* Visitors from more than 60 countries, with the largest number of views from the USA (178, 834), followed by the U.K., Canada, Australia, Germany, Belgium, Hungary, Spain, Poland and Ireland with the Netherlands rounding out the top ten.

*Top recent commenters (other than yours truly) are Leigh, Bollyknickers, Judit, Obscura, Laurie C. and Bechep. Posts with most comments include “Sweet Baby Richard!,” “Richard set to visit US in July for Comic-Con,” “Musings and Some Mulligan for Monday,” “I wonder if touching his beard brings good luck?” “What Would YOU Ask Richard Armitage?” and “What Time is It, Gang?”

*Most Popular Topics: Richard Armitage, fanart, heroes, romance, inspiration, girlfriend


*Top referrer among my fellow bloggers is, by far, dear Servetus at Me + Richard Armitage (Mmmmmwwahhh).  I have to give props to Twitter and Facebook, too.

*Most-used search terms: Anything to do with “Richard Armitage” and “Richard Armitage girlfriend”along with wayyyy too many search terms related to 50SoG. *sigh*

*Top Posts:  Two posts have consistently placed in the Top Five: “In case you were curious . . . here’s Miss Capper.” and “50 Shades of Grey Trilogy *spoilers* Why I Can’t Recommend It.” (See above about most-used search terms 😉 ) Thorin-related posts have shown a big upsurge in the last couple of months–mmmmm, wonder why? And Guy, Lucas and Porter are perennial favorites.

It’s been a very fun and interesting ride this past year and I appreciate how many of you have stuck with me on this journey. Not only have we celebrated Richard Armitage and this exciting new phase of his career, but we’ve marked our own milestones together. We’ve made new friendships and deepened others. We’ve even learned (and created) some new words along the way. 😉  

Many, many thanks to everyone who has visited, commented, reblogged, referred.  It would be no fun just being a party of one.  Richard Armitage is just too irresistible not to share.

I would love to know what your favorite aspects of this blog have been–types and subjects of posts, for example, and what you’d like to see or see more of. Do tell!

Oh, and the celebration is not over yet . . . more to come.


I told you there would be cake. 😉

42 responses »

  1. Happy Blogiversary!!!And many many happy returns of the day! Thank you for everything! I’m sorry I haven’t been around in the last week or so, but RL has got in the way, big time..

  2. “Happy Blogiversay to you”…(Can you hear me singing? No? Well, that’s probably for the best!) Thanks so much for all that you do – my day just wouldn’t be the same without your blog! I can’t wait to see what the next year brings. 🙂

  3. Happy Blogiversary! It’s hard to believe what a year this has been. You have given us hopeless addicts ample doses of RA, and for this I am very grateful.

  4. Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for giving us addicts a great time!

    I haven’t been commenting here for a while because of RL issues.

  5. Happy ist Blogiversary and also Happy Ground Hog Day too! So it has been a year since you first poked your head up into the Blogisphere? My, you have certainly been busy here! I must say, I enjoy your graphics, and videos very much but I think it is your reviews that I most enjoy reading.
    I hope you have an early spring and that the new season brings you much good luck!

    • Hey, Phylly! Thanks so much. Yes, it’s been a busy time of it, over 1500 posts now. Thanks for the feedback, it’s always good to know what readers are enjoying the most. I picked some jonquils in the farmhouse yard while I was walking today–a sure sign spring is on the way. 😀

  6. Happy Blogiversary! You’ve brought a smile to my lips and a warmth to my, ummm, heart many many times. 😉 Looking forward to what the next year of posts has to bring!!! *hugs*

    (Oh, and thanks for being so kind and understanding to that pesky newbie back when. 😉 )

    • Thanks so much, Zan! Glad I could bring smiles and –uhmm, warmth–to you. 😉 And back atcha with the hugs. 😀 So glad I could be of some help and support to you. Happy blogging to you, too!

  7. Happy Blogiversary!

    Congrats! Those are great numbers!

    Sorry for being absent lately. At least on leaving comments here. I’ve been quite busy and I’m trying to follow as many posts as I can.

    Thanks for sharing all your artwork and your thoughts with us.

    I’d say that I love Guy Friday. It’s always welcome! 😀

    May you keep giving us RA the way you do many years to come. 😉

  8. Congrats and Happy Blogiversary! Wow. A whole year. And many more to come! This is just the beginning. A good one too! Loving the blog, very much. Sorry for not commenting and such, but since I often check blogs on my phone it gets a bit complicated to comment, for me. 😦 But I will get better!
    Thank you for making us smile and drift off into the wonderful world of RA through your blog. LOVE YOU! x

    • Hey, Seba, thanks so much! (((hugs))) My goal is to bring lots of smiles and a positive energy when I can. Always glad to hear from you. Glad you are feeling a bit better, too. As I told you on Twitter, love your collection of Hobbit portraits. Much love! Mmmmmwwwha. XOXOXOXO.

  9. Happy Blogiversary again! I enjoy visiting everyday to see what new surprises you’ve come up with. I love your stories staring our favorite SND characters, the new words, and your reviews. I really get a kick out of hearing about your kitties and your hubby. Reading all of the comments is another fun aspect of your blog. Of course, I love watching your vids (which is what brought me over to your blog on just about the first day!) I can’t wait to see what your second year brings forth! 🙂

    • Thanks so much, Laurie. Sometimes the comments are the most entertaining part of a post, I think! I never know what you creative minds out there will come up with next. 😉 Ah, yes, we first got acquainted at YT, as I recall. 😀

  10. Congratulations on your blogiversary Angie!! I drop in most days, just don’t get to comment as often as I used to and would like to, but still love to read your thoughts and the comments, and drool over your pics and vids.
    Looking forward to many more posts to come! *hugs*

  11. Congrats on one year of blogging. Wow has it been a year, time flies when your having fun. I still can’t believe it took me so long to feel like I could come out of my little hiding place and comment. I am good for hiding in the back behind someone tall. Enjoy your vids too.

  12. Sorry to be so late to the party – Happy blogiversary!

    Thank you for making me smile and always finding something for us all to chat about. You are a star.

    • I’d say it’s more like Richard is the global phenom. However, it does amaze me sometimes that here I am, living in a rural area of south Alabama, and I am in touch with people in cities and towns and communities hundreds and thousandsof miles away on a daily basis. Wow.

  13. Congratulations! You made it this far.
    Congratulations for everything you are
    You may think you’re nothin’ goin’ nowhere
    But to me you’re a shining star
    Congratulations! You made it this far!

    What do I like about your blog, which I visit at least three times daily?

    ** Your GoodTasteGene, which determined the principal subject of this blog, RA, unique and incomparable.

    **Your artistic creativity, which is not always my style, but that’s just fine. It pushes me out of my pre-conceived notions to think differently. Your pictures do grow on me, evolve, evoke other emotions, stick in my memory, ready to call up when I need a lift.

    **Your sense of humor, which always gives me a good, healthy, uplifting, joyful bellylaugh. Even when I initially think you’re just too outrageous, (Peacock!), I find it liberating to get a push out of my relatively conservative upbringing, and out of the constraints of my generation, into a better appreciation of incongruity.

    **Your joyous relish in sexuality, which was assiduously drummed out of me in my youth, only to make an uproarious comback in my senior years, aided and abetted by you and RA and the rest of the RA Army.

    **Your devotion to keeping your followers up to date on what’s happening in the RA world, ie., the article about the Richard III film. I cannot follow 25 other blogs to keep up.

    **You attract a really neat group of commentors. Sixty countries? WOW! I am coming to know the more frequent ones. I would love to meet them in person. I’m keeping a list of names and countries when people mention where they’re from. I’m especially happy to see Poland on your Top-10 list, since I am a second generation American of Polish roots. And I’m very grateful that you and they continue to give me the opportunity to meet you all virtually.

    Enough! Keep it up! I love you!!!

    • LOL thanks for all the positive feedback! It’s actually more than sixty countries, but there are some that I’ve only had one or two hits from, so I didn’t include them all. I believe our dear friend Joanna is responsible for many of the Polish hits. 😀

      I can’t keep up with all the RA blogs, either, frankly, there are so many of them now, which is great in that it shows how popular RA is becoming. I have found that between RA Central and RA Net and Twitter, I stay pretty up-to-date.

      I am glad you got to see The Hobbit a second time without the distractions of the first viewing and enjoyed it more.
      I find I am looking forward to watching it on the flat screen with surround sound here at home in regular old 2D.

      Thanks again, and look forward to sharing more with all of you in this coming year. 😀
      Re my eyes, between the allergies and the ancient state of my spectacles, they have taken a beating of late. May have to try those eye drops you recommended. The ones I am using haven’t done a lot so far. I am wearing a pair of reading glasses on the tip of my nose AND my bifocals in order not to strain them. REally need to get my eyes examined and get a new pair.

  14. Congratulations dear((( Angie))):D! Thank you for everything, especially for a daily dose of laughter and RAdrugs in excellent company of all those fantastic people. Please send my regards to Fedoralady and Ladywriter 🙂
    PS: Cześć Lynneloubielat!:)

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