Tag Archives: guy of gisborne

What time is it, anyway????

Fred Leslie as the old Rip

Fred Leslie as the old Rip (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Have you ever woken  up and been completely disoriented about what time it was and possibly even what day? Feeling like a character from some film noir?

The nap I mentioned I planned to take (in an earlier post) was delayed quite a bit as I worked on a little project to help out Benny.  Finally, completely bleary-eyed and feeling fuzzy-headed, I turned on the sound machine, closed my eyes to the midday sunlight filtering in and settled down . . .

And I remember nothing after that. For hours.

Except a few disjointed dreams, one featuring my hair (I think this nasty breakout around my hairline might have provoked that). I roused enough to note it was now dark outside before slipping into sleep’s embrace again.  No memory of hearing Benny return from shooting more video footage for the opening segment he is putting together for the arts council fundraiser.
I woke up to silence. No sound machine.  It was pitch dark.  I can’t read the clock without my glasses. How long have I been asleep?
I was suddenly seized with a fear I had somehow missed Friday completely. Missed going online to turn in my weekly unemployment claim. Possibly even worse–had I skipped Guyday Friday altogether? Guy would not be happy. Neither would my readers.

You do NOT forget my special day!!!

Perhaps I had turned into Rip Van Winkle?

So it was with some relief I retrieved my spectacles, opened my laptop and logged in to see it was still Friday. Very early Friday morning.  A time when I would normally still be awake.  I hadn’t skipped a day, but I had slept close to 12 hours. I guess I needed to catch up?

And now my left click button on my laptop is going bad. Benny says I hit it too hard, I think it’s more of a case of hitting it too often. This laptop is a few years old, but it’s been well and truly used both for work and for pleasure. Guess what the biggest part of the pleasure has been?

Hmmm. I think it has something to do with a certain tall, dark-haired, azure-eyed, exceptionally attractive and intelligent male with lots of talent, charisma, sex appeal and loveability.

Dazzling. Just--dazzlling.

I’m on a roll . . . with the roles. And the real thing.


I fear I have an addictive personality. It’s a good thing I never cared for alcohol much, had any desire to smoke or try recreational drugs. Because judging by how much I like writing, blogging, vidding and Photoshopping in connection with Richard Armitage, I would be prune-faced with a whisky and cigarette-laced voice by now.

Anyhoo, here’s some more evidence of the fun I am having with Photoshop and images of Mr. Armitage in his various roles and as his sweet self.

I didn’t make it to Photoshop class . . .


Due to some continuing problems with IBS. However, I am staying in practice, as you can see.  Oh, what a joy it is to work with that amazing bone structure and incredible physique–if only in a virtual reality sort of way.  Richard Armitage, you really are a beautiful man.

I hope all are well.

Mr. Armitage, Paragon: TAE Word for the Day


I am familiar with today’s word, but I had no idea it had so many different meanings. It’s almost as multi-faceted as Richard Armitage!

RA, a paragon of good manners and kindness to his fans.

Paragon (noun) : (1)  A model of excellence and perfection. (2) a match or an equal, (3) a perfect diamond wearing 100 carats or more, (4) a very large, round pearl, (5) a type size of 20 points.

Paragon (verb, transitive):  to compare, parallel, rival or surpass.

The word comes from the Middle French paragone/peragone (perfect diamond), old Italian paragone (touchstone), from Greek parakonan (to sharpen), from akone (whetstone), from akme (point). Ultimately from the Indo-European ak-, which is also the source of acrid, vinegar, acid, acute, edge, hammer, heaven, oxygen, eager and mediocre. (See, I told you it was a complex entry!)

Sir Guy of Gisborne in his S3 mode was a paragon of masculine beauty.

Richard is also an absolute gem, and as I already said, a multi-facted fellow, so we could also consider him a paragon of the diamond variety, wouldn’t you agree? And I believe his performance as Thorin will paragon those of Sir Ian and other cast members.

Richard Armitage–actor, dancer, singer, narrator, all-around good guy–is a paragon of pure yumminess and awesome talent who paragons all the rest.

I will always be Gizzy’s girl . . .


I know Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but I am feeling all “hearts and flowers” (in addition to tired and achy, alas) and of course, Gizzy is my favorite character. And yeah, I know you’ve seen the Smirking Sex God Guy pic quite often. But really, can you ever get enough of hom?

Anyhoo, I have had breakfast, taken my morning meds and now I am going to try to get some sleep. Hope everyone is having a good day–Judit, how you are feeling better– and I will catch up with you all later.

Laughter and pure sexiness. How can we not love him?


If you really want to win me over, make me laugh. My dad’s motto was “a little laughter in life” and I have tried to carry on that tradition. I have difficulty relating to seemingly humorless people, the sort you feel as if you have to walk on eggshells when in their presence.

Sure, sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying, but it’s good for your soul and for your face–puts the creases in all the right places.  Mr. A is an excellent example of this. You can tell this is a man who smiles and laughs quite a lot. Crinkles, anyone??

He doesn’t seem to take himself too seriously–his work, his roles, oh, yes–but not himself. How refreshing that is in a world of raging egomaniacs who have far less to have a swelled head over than Mr. A.

The man is also effortlessly sexy. In a world of wanna-bes who try way too hard, he simply IS sexy. His voice, his smile, his eyes, the way he moves–the assorted and sundry physical features we all admire. And he’s smart and funny and sweet and a bit geeky, all of which I also find sexy.  And his characters. Oh. wow. We have enigmatic and brooding, tough and dangerous, yet tender and sweet, alpha males, heroes, characters spilling over with joie de vivre, with charisma to spare.


Indeed, what’s not to love about this guy?  And you know what would just tickle me pink? To make Richard Armitage laugh. To be in his presence and have him throw back that handsome head and give one of those big ol’ belly laughs, his crinkles on full display and those baby blues a-twinkling.  Not likely to ever happen–but a girl can dream.

Celebrating the SNDs we love


For anyone unfamiliar with this particular acronym, SND stands for So Not Dead. All these RA chaRActers has been Loved Into Being by the fans just as a toy bunny became a real live rabbit in the children’s classic, The Velveteen Rabbit. No matter what the scriptwriters may do, we know they are in reality safe and sound and continuing their great adventures in fanfic, fanvids and more.

Miscellaneous Armitage goodness and “Midnight in Paris”


So after catching a few hours of sleep this afternoon, I have been playing with Photoshop Elements again.  Some old family photos and, of course, images of Mr. A.  Great fun.  My husband is suitably impressed by his technophobic wife’s accomplishments. 😀

Also watching Midnight in Paris again–Woody Allen‘s love letter to the City of Lights. A sweet and funny fantasy. And all the Paris locales are gorgeous. By the way, Owen Wilson‘s character and his fiancee have a scene on that bridge in Giverny discussed in an earlier post on Monet. 😉

Midnight in Paris

Midnight in Paris (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Starting to feel tired and achy again. I have some emails to which I need to respond. Thanks for all the good wishes. Much appreciated and I hope you all have fab weekends! Enjoy the Armitage goodness.

I took today off . . . more or less. And Du Maurier and some Guy.


I took today off. Actually, it could be argued I take everyday off since I am currently unemployed. However, I usually spend time here with my laptop, working on blog entries, reading and writing comments,working on the novel, researching, playing with Photoshop, visiting other blogs, and so forth (oddly, a great deal of my activity seems to tie into Richard Armitage. Hmmmmmmm . . .).

This guy has me totally captivated.

However, in spite of my efforts with heat and cold therapy and meds, my shoulder-plus pain was still being a bear. I decided I needed to take a break, rest, catch up on some ZZZZs and make inroads into re-reading that fabulous classic by Daphne du Maurier, Rebecca (Richard would make a fabulous Maxim. See, even with a day off, I don’t really take a day off from Armitage . . .) Sometimes I forget how much I enjoy a particular author’s work and then I re-read one of their books, and all that pleasure floods back over me. Reading–the gift that keeps on giving, again and again.

My current read. If you have never read it, you really, really should. There's a good reason it's a classic. And RA would make such a compelling Maxim.

Daphne du Maurier near her house at Ferryside,...

Daphne du Maurier near her house at Ferryside, Fowey (1931). Русский: Дафна дю Морье у своего дома в Фэррисайд, Фоуи (1931 год). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Young Daphne du Maurier (about 1930) Русский: ...

Young Daphne du Maurier (about 1930) Русский: Портрет Дафны дю Морье в молодости (начало 30-х годов ХХ века) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I am happy to report that, at least for now, the pain and knottiness in my muscles, tendons and fascia has abated. I am going to try to take it easy for the next few days. I know it will inevitably return, but I am trying not to rush things. 😉  In the meantime, Guyday Friday fast approaches . . . and Guy is always ever so watchable, even when he’s in the background . . . thank you, Richard Armitage, for the wonderful, irresistible, beautiful, mercurial, noble, snarling, vulnerable creation that is Sir Guy.

Enjoy the Guy beauty with more to come (and yes, that is a quote from Rebecca with the narrator describing Maxim De Winter . . .)  Hope all of you are well!