Tag Archives: Richard on the red carpet

Sunday SmoRgAsbord: Richard on the Red Carpet (Pt.2)


For a man who once described red carpet appearances as a somewhat agonizing experience for him, we’ve seen Richard Armitage‘s poise, quiet confidence and aplomb on such occasions only increase by leaps and bounds. Love his interactions with the fans along the way–the manner in which he gives his attention to each person, focusing those beautiful eyes and that warm, personable smile on each individual. He laughs, he jokes, he charms with seemingly effortless grace.

A98UD4ZCUAEiSAG.jpgdd large Well done you, Mr. A!  You are a true star—classy, gorgeous, talented and a refreshingly old-fashioned


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Such a Bonny, Couthie Lad: TAE Word for the Day



Richard as his usual friendly and genial self on the BAFTA red carpet.

couthie: (adj.) agreeable; genial; kindly.

Couthie stems from the Old English word cuth, originally meaning “to know.” It arose in the 1700s in Scotland in the sense of “agreeable.”

When I think of Richard in his encounters with fans, whether on the red carpet, or outside of a TV studio, on a film set, or otherwise, I think of how sweet and pleasant he always appears to be. I’d say that bonny lad is downright couthie.


Richard signing autographs for fans at Comic-Con July 2012.Courtesy of cambear

Richard signing autographs for fans at Comic-Con July 2012.
Courtesy of cambear

Thank you, Richard, for being so couthie to all the Ardent Armitage Aficionados out there!


Richard reading fan's sign at Hobbit event in Toronto.

Richard reading fan’s sign at Hobbit event in Toronto.

Richard with blogger fan on Black Sky set.Courtesy of awkwardcelebencounters

Richard with blogger fan on Black Sky set.
Courtesy of awkwardcelebencounters

New Vid: Our Beautiful Blue-Eyed Mr. A


Here’s a little lyrical, dancable Swedish House Mafia for you, coupled with LOTS of images of the lovely Richard using one of the many new Muvee stylings now on my laptop. Richarding does make a girl’s low spirits improve–even if she can’t get to sleep.

Richard, it’s all your FAULT


It’s gonna be a pretty miserable day here weather-wise, what with 90 percent chance of rain and a big temperature change on the way with it. FMS no likee these huge atmospheric changes. We really need the rain, however, and it’s been too unseasonably warm for December, so I am really not complaining.

Besides, I’ve got a certain gorgeous guy to drool over. Yes, I succumbed and was one of the 200 who pre-ordered my very own copy of the limited edition featuring Richard on the cover (as opposed to Billy Bob Thornton).


Here’s what the editor had to say on Facebook about the cover:

Morning all. Lots of excitement for our Winter issue launch, which is nice to see! Just thought we’d share some details with you about the limited edition Richard Armitage cover. The unique style and effect of the image is created by a particular technique of the photographer – Paula Parrish. She projects the original photograph onto a different surface – metal in this instance – and re-shoots it to get the final version. That is what gives the overall rugged effect – well, that and the subject of the photo, of course… from a Facebook entry for FAULT Magazine.

I found this interesting as I have used a metal overlay with some of my fanart to give it a grittier look–particularly with some of the images of Sgt. Portah.  I paid a ridiculous amount for a single copy of a magazine–especially when you factor in the postage costs–but it’s in support of the actor I do admire and adore. And hey, it’s a limited edition.  Heck, I can talk myself into almost anything where this man is concerned.

Oh, those crystal blue eyes brimming with humor and intelligence–those irresistible smiles and infectious laughs–all that charisma and manliness and gentlemanly nature. I just can’t help it. It’s all your fault, Richard Armitage.

That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.





Charisma, Affability, Integrity: That’s Our Richard


Richard Armitage is an unusual actor . . . a man of integrity on and offscreen . . . he took the time to get to know all of us . . . we really would have followed him into war.

    Jed Brophy. when queried about Richard’s leadership abilities as Thorin in The Hobbit.

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Here’s a link to the red carpet interview with Brophy and other cast members (no Richard) in which he pays RA this lovely compliment. It starts at the 3:30 mark.


Richard signing autographs in NY. Courtesy of RANet. Wonder if that beautiful hand got cramps? Is it just me, or is he channeling a bit of Harry Kennedy here?

Richard signing autographs in NY. Courtesy of RANet. Wonder if that beautiful hand got cramps?
Is it just me, or is he channeling a bit of Harry Kennedy here?

Richard at Union Station in Toronto, checking out one of those "rubbish"signs fans make to get his attention.

Richard at Union Station in Toronto, checking out one of those “rubbish”signs fans make to get his attention.

I think a young actor could do a lot worse than emulating the way Richard Armitage lives his life.

I think a young actor could do a lot worse than emulating the way Richard Armitage lives his life.

Richard Armitage, you’re a beaut, and I mean in much more than just the outward sense. You are kind, conscientious, good-humored, sensitive, hard-working, generous, polite and well-mannered, along with all that talent and intelligence and charisma to spare. You even have a naughty side.

I’d say you are a lovely, delightful human being inside and out.  You’ve amazed me during this worldwide press tour, handling the madness with such grace and aplomb, always remaining the gentleman, and looking absolutely every inch the movie star as you did it all. You can’t see or hear me, but here I am, giving you a standing ovation.

Anna & Alice serve up a dish: Red carpet Richard!


These are thanks to our own Hungarian honey, Judit and Anna Patton and to Alice Tynan at Twitter, who was one of the “uncouth Aussies” as Richard teasingly dubbed them, present at that very long red carpet in Wellington.

Now that’s up close and personal. Oh, love how the smiles are reflected in those beautiful blue peepers.

Every girl’s crazy ’bout sharp-dressed man . . . who is also intelligent, articulate, talented, funny, kind and thoroughly delicious.

Thank you, Alice and Anna and thank you, Judit!! Love it.