Amazing Technicolor Gisborne


I used filters and effects from BeFunky and PhotoFaceFun. I think it gives it an Art Nouveau vibe coupled with the glow of stained glass. And speaking of Art Nouveau, here’s the Zodiac by famed artist Alphonse Mucha, one of my favs:

Art Nouveau, a popular school of art from the early 20th century, incorporated themes from nature–flowers, birds, insects, trees–into artwork filled with curves.





5 responses »

  1. Guy is very beautiful “en” Art Nouveau and your graphic makes me think of Gustav Klimt.
    I read the previous post and I’m so sorry you don’t feel good. I cross my fingers and hope things get easier for you soon. Please let us know Angie !

  2. Hope you are feeling better Angie. You will be leaving for Comic-Con in just a few days. Peter Jackson, of course, will be there as he mentioned on his facebook page. He says The Hobbit will be in Hall H. The wrap party is supposed to be taking place today. The film is in editing phase now.

    After Comic-Con I imagine that Richard will be heading back home to London. Or maybe he will make a stop at home first before heading over to Comic-Con. With things now wrapped up in New Zealand he can return to London.

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