Tag Archives: Richard’s candid photos

After eight years, Richard Armitage, you still move me.


I don’t have the extended edition of the BOTFA yet (maybe for Christmas if I am a very good girl). However, I have certainly appreciated getting to see the clip of   the preparation for Thorin’s final scene and the numerous screen caps from various bonus videos people have posted.


Seeing these various images–some solemn, others light-hearted–touched off a wellspring of emotions inside me.  How could I not fail to be moved seeing Richard’s preparation for Thorin’s death scene? Seeing how he lay there so quiet, so still and deep in thought, as the crew members moved around him, shifting snow, adjusting his costume, saying very little themselves as if recognizing the solemnity of the occasion.

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And then watching Martin and Richard acting that scene–absolutely heartbreaking. I remembered my husband reaching over and squeezing my hand to comfort me as the tears flowed freely down my face watching that scene in the theater. And I cried once again as I watched it unfold on the screen of my laptop.

Richard Armitage, I am not sure there is anybody who can die more–beautifully, poetically–than you onscreen.  I might be prejudiced, of course–but you do have a tremendous capacity to move me with your artistry.


I was also very touched seeing the little shrine the crew created on the spot where the death scene took place.

It was a fitting way to honor this larger-than-life character and the rather extraordinary man who brought him so vividly, unforgettably to life.  Here’s to Thorza!


Seeing the smile on your face as you talk about it makes me believe you were also touched by the tribute, both proud and humbled by this gesture.

Seeing you in full concentration mode–the dedicated, focused actor who is always on task–and in those lighter moments when Richard breaks through the Thorin guise and we see the grins and laughter, the humor, sweetness and genuineness reflected in those eyes–well, I am once again impressed by that dedication and drawn to the man I perceive you to be. Unpretentious, good-humored, attentive, discerning.







And huggable. Huggable is very important.



Oh, those eyes. That smile. I won’t even get into how impossibly sexy you also are here (ah, there goes that head bob as you murmur a self-deprecating remark). Beyond the obvious attractions of grey-tinged beard (growing older ever so gracefully, you are), glimpsed chest hair, lovely crinkles and that plaid shirt with its tempting snaps, there’s that aura you exhude. Yes, even in a screen cap of a candid moment.  Especially in such a moment.

Richard Armitage, after more than eight years as a fan, you still move me. Move me to tears, to smiles, to giggles, to that funny little flutter in my heart and in my stomach.

More Sunday SmoRgAsbord: Random RA Sweetness *sigh*



Richard Armitage, I don’t know you, but I certainly like what I see. Oh, not just the six feet and two inches of long, lean, muscular masculine beauty with all its grace and agility and amazing sex appeal that I see before me on film and in stills.

It’s also the good-humored, charming, self-deprecating, modest, witty, hard-working, genuinely nice man I perceive you to be.  The man who readily shares hugs and smiles with his fans.  The man who digs so deep to “bring it” with each and every one of his performances, who makes us care just as deeply.  The man who never takes it all for granted or who forgets those less fortunate than he.

More than talented or gorgeous or charismatic. A really sweet guy.

Truly, how can I not love a fellow like you?








Holey-moley, He’s a Lollapalooza!: TAE Word for the Day


lollapalooza (noun): an extraordinary or unusual thing, person or event; an exceptional example or circumstance.

(Also the name of a certain giant rock tour here in the United States.)

Really, can we say Richard, our extraordinarily talented, unusually attractive, amazingly charismatic and exceptionally gentlemanly fellow, is truly a lollapalooza of a guy? I think so.



As a lollapalooza, Richard, you really do ROCK.


Last Serving of Sunday SmoRgAsbord: AdoRAble RA!



Those keen, beautiful, kind blue eyes, the ready smiles, the thoughtful, modest manner, the slightly goofy laughs, the sweetness, the flirtiness–oh, RA, you are adoRAble!








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