Thorin Thursday (I didn’t forget!) More fanart


More of the gorgeous alpha dwarf in all his princely, pensive, passionate glory. And a few chuckles, too. 😉 Loving the new HD screencaps at  There are thousands and I’ve  made my way through less than half of them.  Such riches . . . enjoy!







7 responses »

  1. Angie, you haven’t disappointed me – I wondered if we would still get a Thorin Thursday after those luscious pictures yesterday (I’m still devouring that extra extra special one you tweeted – I don’t seem to have the power to look away!) and here he is! Looking scrumptious and seductive as usual.

    • I am so glad that you really liked that special Thorin pic. 😉 He can certainly put ideas in a girl’s head, can’t he?? I promised I’d bring more today, it just happened a bit later than I had originally planned. Just not a great day for me feelings-wise. I think I will post a few more B4 I go to bed. You won’t mind, will you?? 😉

      • The answer to that question is a loud and resounding NO! 😄 I will never tire of looking at the delicious Thorin. I’m actually just wondering if there would be any room for me in that burlap sack… Oh! Did I say that out loud!? 😏
        I’m sorry you’re not feeling great – wish there was something I could do, you have made me feel better so many, many times with your humour, comments and, of course, your pictures! Sending you some hugs.

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