More food and drink with the ChaRActers . . .

Whipped cream coffee & sandwich

Hey, Rich. How's the sandwich? We love a man with a hearty appetite.

Awwwww. A discomfited Sweetie John and his sausages. Bless!
It’s those seductive eyes looking at you over the rim of the glass and the view of that noshable neck . . .
Thornton about to sample Miss Hale’s tea.
The added bonus of watching Lucas enjoy his coffee–the lovely fingers wrapped around the mug.

Continuing on the theme of the previous post . . .  and a shot of the Man Himself enjoying a sandwich behind the scenes. He has said his ideal woman is one who enjoys food and has a bit of a naughty side. Ah, well–there you go. I think watching Richard drink that whipped cream coffee above–imagine the cream he’d need to lick off his lips as he enjoyed it–and the sandwich would be a most pleasant way to spend a lunch hour. Even if you didn’t eat, you’d be nourished, if you know what I mean.

About fedoralady

I'm an LA native--Lower Alabama, that is. My husband of more than 30 years and I live here on a portion of my family's former farm with two gorgeous calicos and a handsome GSD mix. My background is art education, and over the years I've been a teacher, department store photographer, sales associate and a journalist. My husband, his business partner and I have Pecan Ridge Productions, a video production company, for which I shoot & edit video and stills and manage marketing. I also still write part-time for the local paper. I love movies, music, art, photography and books, and my tastes in all of them are eclectic.

24 responses »

    • My husband is a great cook, far better than I am. Which is fortunate because I couldn’t even go to the bathroom by myself for a while, much less fix a meal. His specialty is desserts. Makes the most fab cheescakes. 😀

      He’s got just a little bit of a belly but I confess I like it. He IS 52, after all, and certainly doesn’t have the tremendous gut you see on some fellas by his age. He could still fit into his old AF flight suit, I think. Gosh, I loved those “green bags.” Richard would look great in a green bag . . . *sigh*

      • 🙂 your fella sounds lovely! I once asked a BF to cook a romantic meal for me. He prepared a plate of prosciutto, tomato and mozzarella and some Italian bread. I knew it was over right there and then 😉

      • My husband is a great cook too, he loves it. After a full day at work, it’s his idea of relaxing. I can think of a hundred things I’d rather be doing! I have never been able to cultivate a love for it, it’s just another chore that has to be done.

        • Benny loves the desserts the most but he enjoys cooking other dishes, too. I suddenly thought of the homemade chocolate-covered cherries he made for me one Christmas. I shared some with a friend and she said her daughter, who usually hates chocolate-covered cherries, tried one of Benny’s and fell in love.;) They weren’t difficult so much as labor-intensive. And then you needed to let them age for a bit for the cordial to set just right.

            • They are divine. I have always loked chocolate-covered cherries (yes, a staple around the house at Christmas along with those chocolate-covered peppermint patties) but the commercial ones do not compare to his homemade ones. Benny does not like cherries, so he really is making them for me. 😀

  1. ROFLMAO! Noshable neck, john and his sausage, waiting to taste Ms.Hale’s tea….for some reason my mind goes to other places rather than food.

  2. In one scene of the Hood Academy dvd extra, I love seeing Richard in the background eating, he attacks a banana with great relish!

  3. He’s said he has a fast metabolism (I wish), so he must have to eat a great deal to keep that awesome body going!!! He is so adorable doing just about everything!!! I wonder if he’d like some chocolate covered Virginia peanut brittle!

    • I think my metabolism works about as quickly as a snail moves. 😉 He’s a big man with a lot of muscle and yes, I would think it would take a lot of fuel to keep it going. When he ws playing Porter, he must have had to consume lots of food between the massive amount of physical training and the action involved in playing the role.

      Oh, my daddy used to love regular peanut brittle. He wasn’t much on chocolate, unlike his daughters. 😉 I actually had the boys eating boiled peanuts in the first chapter of Sloth Fiction. They have hollow legs, especially Guy, the junk food addict. 😉

      • I have Hasimoto’s Hypothyroidism, which means I have to take two different kinds of meds just to get up and move everyday. I wish I could eat what I wanted!!!

        • I understand. My dad had to take meds for a thyroid condition as well. I used to work with a woman who was very thin but trust me, it wasn’t from lack of appetite. I was amazed at how much food she could put away!!

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