Tag Archives: john mulligan

Just Call Me the RA Collage Queen. Boom, Boom, Boom!



Well, it’s fun and when you can’t sleep, it’s a nice way to pass the time. A mixture of collages and FB covers I’ve made this week. Hope you enjoy!

guy facebook cover



Try saying the above 10 times fast. It’ll make you giggle.


Mulligan facebook cover.jpg

So much on my plate, my darlings. But a little (literally) bit of Chop for you.


Found on pinterest and posted by L.

And I actually enlarged this just a tad. Assuming it was shot with a camera phone in a very small file size. Still, it’s fun to get another glimpse of the character.

Wydville tell me she is reading the book the film is based on and it’s a tough go–not bad writing, you understand, but the hardness and grittiness of life as experienced by these individuals is an eye-opener. She also says she has a hard time envisioning our tall, slim, handsome, refined Richard as “Chop,” and on the surface, he really doesn’t seem like a perfect physical match for Bernard, does he?

Then again, as I responded to her, if we had only seen RA as Guy, Thornton, Lucas or Porter–could we have ever imagined him as the awkward, painfully shy, virginal farmhand John Strandring? That was quite a transformation, too. And he’s managed to convince us all a lithe, elegant dancer of a six-foot, two-inch beau ideal can also be a stocky hirsute warrior dwarf.
He really does love submerging himself in his characters (versus submerging himself in water, which he can heartily live without).  And I am pretty much a believer in the Amazing Acting Powah that is Richard Armitage.



Anyone else gotten their book and started reading it yet? What are your impressions? Do you think RA will make a convincing Chop? I am still waiting for my copy to wing its way overseas.

As for Real Life, I’ve been working on the most recent video project and editing photos and collages for the video production company, along with doing a little copyediting for Benny’s boss for pay. I stayed up all night Saturday to work on a new version of one vid because I just wasn’t happy with the first one. The DVDs are done, hooray, other than needing to duplicate any more for additional sales (fingers crossed!).

Next weekend we have a family reunion on my dad’s side at a local eatery (at least one of my sisters is going to attend :D), an informal memorial service to videotape for a sweet friend who lost her husband recently, and “Bark in the Park” which we will be shooting video and stills for. The busyness of spring is kicking in.

I also continue the never-ending quest for some quality sleep. Maybe the doctor will be able to help me with that next month (appt. three weeks from today). Pets and hubby all doing well. Scarlett is growing like a weed and gets prettier every day (to me, anyway).

Love, love . . .


Wonderful Wednesday: A Gallery of RA’s Memorable ChaRActers


It hasn’t been a wonderful winter for me (nor for many more of you–curse you, groundhog, why must we have six more weeks of this!?) But I am beginning to see glimpses of light at the end of this long, cold, wet and dreary tunnel.  I got my first column of this new year for the paper written; nothing fancy but a sense of accomplishment. I’ve been playing with ideas for that story I promised dear Guylty.  In spite of brain fog and a fibro flare (not helped by slamming into the wall on the way to the bathroom early this morning), I am feeling–hopeful. 😀


Here’s what it looked like a week ago outside my house. It’s mostly ice with a little snow mixed in. The ice paralyzed the Deep South for a couple of days.
I’ve been doing a lot of posting of words and images–some silly and some serious and some simply beautiful–on FB in recent days on my regular page, and lots of images and some of my vids of Mr. A and his characters at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Richard-Armitage-Effect/

Yes, I whipped up some new photo edits I premiered at FB and I thought I would share them with you all, in case you aren’t on FB. And even if you are–do we need an excuse to peruse Mr. A’s lovely, expressive features and admirable physique? I think not . . . have a wonderful Wednesday, my friends and fellow RA well-wishers!










Richard’s ChaRActers to the Rescue! Warm us up way down south . . .


A swath of the southern U.S. from Houston, Texas across the Gulf Coast right up the Atlantic Coast is expecting to experience sleet, freezing rain, snow and ice over the next couple of days. And that is big news, folks. We aren’t used to it and we aren’t equipped for it (goodness knows, local citizens who’ve never lived in other parts of the country as we have don’t know how to drive in it). And if we lose power in an ice storm, it’s gonna be kind of miserable around here for at least a little while.

See the Pepto-Bismol pink county with “Greenville” on the map below? Well, we live on the eastern edge of it. As one of my FB friends who posted this said, “Not a forecast you expect to see down at the beach.”


Now, having fallen and banged myself up in the shower earlier, I am in a lot of physical distress that even a large spoonful of Nutella and a muscle relaxer haven’t been able to calm down.  Nasty weather is on the way and I’m in pain and I need heeeeeeellllllppppppp.

Hmmmm . . . this might help. Think warm thoughts. An inviting dip into the pool on a summer’s day . . .



Feeling better already!!

Now things are really getting hot . . .




In fact, they are sizzlin’!! Too hot to resist . . .


*sigh* Yes, yes I do . . .
Mr. A and a jar of Nutella. Now THAT’s a thought.  *drool*

Now if you aren’t thawed out enough yet, dance along to the grooves of LMFAO ’cause those ChaRActers are sexy and they know it (and so do WE)!

Happy Halloween from TAE! Some tricks, mostly TREATS. ;)



Greetings from your Halloween-loving blogger, Fedoralady! She decided to put on her skinny face (Celebrity Cruise 2000) and borrow a costume from her favorite actor’s past to celebrate the holiday. 😀


Guy’s here to heat up things for us, too!


And our favorite warrior dwarf is going all peace and love Woodstock-style, man! Outta sight!


Little Johnny Mulligan . . . still self trying to convince us he’s not *really* a bad guy.

pizapffRH312HR00014 (2)  Guy—just HAS to appear more than once. Come on over and take a bite, big boy!


Lucas and Ros are going undercover this Halloween as master magician and able assistant!!

41EXMl-FXcL__ddSS500dd_ richard white shirt cold feet

Lothario lifeguard Lee offers us the ultimate in trick-or-treat goodness . . . at least, in HIS eyes. 😉


Guy, however, thinks what HE has to offer is the penultimate in Halloween deliciousness.


Really, Guy, I BELIEVE you!


And for a really sweet Halloween treat, look no further than to Harry and Gerri!


And if you over-indulge and get a tummy ache, Dr. Track will stop by to ease your pain . . .


From our bewitching Scarlett to you all, Happy Halloween!

Whoa, what a man Wednesday: Part Deux!








Got soaked today and almost froze during my meeting this afternoon. Yes, it is STILL raining, and absolute buckets of it at times. However, the meeting went well and exciting things are being planned for our humane society–and yes, we are on for setting up PayPal with our Humane Society website–more details later. 😀 Plus I got some more good news this afternoon. I am going to be a newspaper columnist again! Hurray! And get paid! Plus I will likely get some stringer jobs along the way and be paid per story. 😀

On the not-so-good side, Benny’s got some sort of bug. He was running a fever of 101 last night, felt better this morning, started going downhill later in afternoon and was running an even higher temp tonight. Aches, pains, congestion, coughing, Improves during day, gets worse as night approaches. May be a form of flu or respiratory virus. Don’t know if I can prod him to go to the doctor’s office or not–it may take a cattle prod!!

Sunday SmoRgAsbord: Part 2




Bon appetit! A soupcon of Monsieur Monet, oui?


A dash of the delicious Lucas North–just ring up delivery.


A bound Sergeant Portah is on the menu. Oh, my, the ideas . . .


Sir Guy–one of the star attractions of our Sunday smorgasbord. Yummmmmm . . . .


Grab a fork and dig in.


Dr. Track is just the sort of comfort food a girl needs when she is feeling down . . .



And for dessert, the sweet goodness that is John Standring.

Sunday SmoRgAsbord: Those Eyes




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Those eyes express so much–regret, defiance, fear, hope, gentleness, suspicion, tenderness, desire, anger, betrayal. A myriad of emotions. They are the windows to the hearts, minds and souls of his characters. And we never tire of looking into them.

I love those ‘Black Sheep’


I’ve been listening to a song by Gin Wigmore which is being used in the promos for the new season of “Dallas.”

Even though it’s sung by a woman with a female POV, some of the lyrics really remind me of some of you-know-who’s ChaRActers:

Make me mad, I’m not here to please
Paint me in a corner but my colour comes  back
Once you go black, you never go back
I’m a black sheep
I’m a black  sheep

And those words dancing in my head led me to do some photo editing with some of RA’s sexy “bad boy” blokes who love to dress in black. And we, of course, love them in their black shirts and black leather . . .

‘Cause once you black, you never go back.






