Tag Archives: john mulligan

How about a Saturday Smorgasbord?



Unfadingly handsome

I have some stuff I want to write about but I really need some sleep. So I am going to share some nice piccies of Mr. A.’s ChaRActer and see if I can zone out here and catch some ZZZs while my hair dries. Hope your weekends are going well.


Beauty underpinned by brains


against-the-law handsome


Portah is comin’ . . . eyeballs, behave!


Lick-his-boots seductive

A Prince of Pseudology: TAE Word for the Day



Pseudology: (noun) lying considered as an art.  Pseudology comes from two Greek words, pseudo-, meaning “false,” and ology, meaning “the study of.”  The word does not literally mean the study of lying, but has come to embody “the art of lying.”

I found myself thinking of the crafty charmer John Mulligan, who is awfully good at deception. The silver-tongued devil could be considered a master of pseudology. And here’s a tribute to the prince of pseudology I made a while back, Hypnotize Me.

Armitage Sunday SmoRgAsbord: From Sir Guy to the painter guy . . .

Glamour Guy, looking confident and sexxxxxy.

Glamour Guy, looking confident and sexxxxxy.

I am going to attempt something almost unheard of around here for me: going to sleep before 1 a.m. I may not accomplish my goal, but I am gonna give it that old college try. There are things I really need to do tomorrow.

But before I don my sleep mask and turn on the white noise, let me lay out the table with a selection of delectables for you all to enjoy.  Have a lovely Sunday and enjoy the latest smoRgAsbord!


Porter. Never count him out.

Porter. Never count him out.

Oh, Lucas. Such a beautiful man. And So Not Dead (and So NOT Bateman).

Oh, Lucas. Such a beautiful man. And So Not Dead (and So NOT Bateman).

Sweetie John: earnest, honest, caring, committed.

Sweetie John: earnest, honest, caring, committed.

Need I say more?

Need I say more?

I atill worry about this.

I atill worry about this.


How I love those “Temptation Eyes” (new fanvid)


Those big, blue (when they aren’t green or grey or even khaki, that is) luminous eyes of Richard Armitage. With their lush fringe of lashes and bold masculine brows, those eyes alone can express a myriad of emotions and moods. They captivate, mesmerize and hypnotize. Call them Temptation Eyes . . . I do.


Sunday Smorgasbord: From Dwarven King to Criminal Charmer







41: RA’s climacteric year?


Climacteric: (noun) 1. a critical period. 2. A year in which important changes in health, fortune, etc. are held by some theories to occur, such as one’s 65th year. 3. The period of maximum respiration in a fruit, in which it becomes fully ripened.  (Also refers to a physiological period involving a decrease in reproductive capacity in men and women, culminating, in women, in menopause).

In 2004, the year he turned 33, Richard Armitage (unexpectedly, it would seem, from the BBC’s standpoint) became something of an “overnight sensation” in the UK after captivating a large contingent of females with his performance as the sober Victorian mill owner capable of a “foolish passion” in North & South.  Of course, the man had been toiling for years as a struggling actor, doing DIY work for friends and taking front of house jobs to make ends meet while trying to find that the success that seemed to elude him–therefore “overnight sensation” in quotes.


Thornton became an iconic role for Richard Armitage, with many audience members choosing him as their ideal romantic hero.  More television roles came. His first starring role after N&S,  caring air emergency doctor Alex Track in the series The Golden Hour, was short-lived, but he ended up stealing the show as the beautiful, conflicted henchman Guy of Gisborne in Robin Hood and making us fall in love with an enigmatic spy named Lucas North in Spooks.  There were other television roles, too, including the charismatic businessman with a dark side, John Mulligan in Moving On.

Then came the tough, yet tender and sexy-as-hell sergeant John Porter in Strike Back, not to mention the various audiobooks, advertisements, TV narrations and other jobs our workaholic fit into his schedule–and his first significant role in a blockbuster, the sinister Hydra spy Heinz Kruger in Captain America.



His fandom continued to grow and his talent seemed to go from strength to strength. Even when fans hated what was done to some of his character *holds up hand* they rarely faulted him on the quality of his performances and the versatility he continued to show in his roles.

Richard Armitage turned 41 this past August. And he seems to be in the midst of another truly climacteric year–one of gigantic proportions, I suspect.  Because he’s about to appear in one of, if not the biggest of the big films this holiday season, helmed by no less than Sir Peter Jackson, beloved director of the spectacularly successful film trilogy LOTR. It’s a film that has its own built-in, wildly enthusiastic audience (as witnessed by Comic-Con). And Richard is undeniably one of its stars, right up there with Martin Freeman and Sir Ian McKellen.




The publicity machine for The Hobbit is well underway–and before the film arrives in theaters, we’ve got lots of Richard to look forward to, in tie-in books, in magazine and television interviews and more, a veritable RA/Thorin bonanza. And I am not complaining.

John Thornton was Richard’s first iconic role; surely Thorin Oakenshield, the brave, fierce, charismatic dwarf warrior will be his next, and one viewed by a much, much larger audience across the world.  In this climacteric year, Richard Armitage is going to become very well-known, and I suspect many audience members will want to know what’s underneath all that yak hair and makeup.  And what else this impressive actor has appeared in. Ah, the pleasures that await them!

And I, for one, am delighted at the thought of it, of the thought of fans of all ages, both sexes, all nationalities, etc. discovering more about our wonderful RA.  I see his fan base growing and diversifying with his starring role in The Hobbit. If any actor deserves that sort of attention, it’s Richard Armitage. His talent, his intelligence, his dedication to his roles, his professionalism, the intensity he brings to every project–and the fact he is such a worthwhile human being on top of it all–makes my heart sing with gladness for this man.

I would say year 41 is truly turning out to be climacteric for our beautiful guy. Who will also be gracing screens as schoolteacher Gary Morris in Black Sky in 2013. What’s up next for RA? I don’t know, but I do know I will be along for the ride, come what may.

Vive Richard Armitage!!

Predatory instincts


We know we should be careful, beware, to resist. And yet . . .

Guy, honey, you can pretty much suck anything you want anywhere you want. I’m just sayin’ . . . *sigh*

Glad you have enjoyed the Halloween fun; I will do my best to get caught up with the comments tomorrow. The toe is sore and I have a nice series of bruises down the right side of my body. But as I’ve said, I know it could be worse. Thumper Cat says she is cold and wants to go to bed and I am feeling a bit tuckered myself. Catch you tomorrow!

I do love a man in uniform . . .


I’ve been thinking an around-the-world cruise would be really nice . . . especially if you got to spend a lot of time at the Captain’s Table . . .

Oh, that Mulligan. Never admitting his guilt and still vain enough to worry about how he looks in those prison stripes. A real piece of work, but a gorgeous one.

Sunday Smorgasbord: Take Out and Eat


Back in the day, my husband’s grandmother used to encourage her guests around the dinner table to “take out and eat.” May I encourage you to more or less do the same, my friends. 😉  What a variety of “dishes” Mr. Armitage and his ChaRActers offer!

Sunday Smorgasbord: First Round


I have uploaded something like seven or eight fan videos to YouTube  today that are new to the site (although in some cases they’ve been around for a while). Some I have spotlighted here at the blog. More will be going up tomorrow, but I am ready to pack in the uploading for tonight.  It’s been fun because I had already forgotten what I had done with some of these vids, and it’s nice if I still find them amusing/sexy/inspiring/creative.  I hope you will, too.

In the meantime, kicking off the Sunday Smorgasboard as it is already Sunday for some of you.  Benny should be here early afternoon tomorrow. 😀

Naughty, naughty!! T-t-t-tease me, you bad boys . . .


Charming. Disarming. Seductive. Tempting. Teasing. RA’s ChaRActers being such naughty, naughty guys. Who can resist?

Who’s your baddie?: Poll


We all know Richard Armitage enjoys playing baddies. Of course, I don’t even consider my first and favorite RA ChaRActer, Sir Guy of Gisborne, to be truly bad–just misunderstood.

Excluding the Sultan of Smoulder, who is your favorite amoral/immoral bad boy  ChaRActer? Tell us why.  Is it someone not listed here? If so, who?