Those Lips! Those Eyes! Those Chesticles!


Well, the hair is washed and drying, the war paint slapped on and I’ve put on my new top and slacks. Most of my stuff is packed. I’ve got the camera (got to snap Benny blowing out the candles on his birthday cake) several reference books for my novel, two Kindles, DVDs to share with my sisters and of course, I’ll be taking my laptop.

The back is still somewhat unhappy with me, but I am going to take a Lor-Tab and a muscle relaxer before we hit the road–and carry my favorite pillow, which is my grown-up version of a security blanket. 😉

Here’s some more goodies to enjoy . . . ah, the glories of his ChaRActers!



About fedoralady

I'm an LA native--Lower Alabama, that is. My husband of more than 30 years and I live here on a portion of my family's former farm with two gorgeous calicos and a handsome GSD mix. My background is art education, and over the years I've been a teacher, department store photographer, sales associate and a journalist. My husband, his business partner and I have Pecan Ridge Productions, a video production company, for which I shoot & edit video and stills and manage marketing. I also still write part-time for the local paper. I love movies, music, art, photography and books, and my tastes in all of them are eclectic.

23 responses »

  1. Oh Heaven! the daily vision of Mr. Armitage’s body stimulates the production of endorphins. he gives me euphoria and happiness and decreases pain levels 🙂 there is no contraindication…
    Thank you, so much and good travel 🙂

  2. Happy and safe travels for both of you Angie, and the very best of good wished to Benny on his birthday! Would you mind giving him a hug for me?

    Thanks for our daily swoon sessions! I doubt if we’d survive without them. Having the usual reactions to the above. 😉 Wow!!

      • Don’t apologize – I will take Thorin any way and any place I can get him. 😉 Boy would I LOVE to have one of these. I’d park it in my bedroom so he’d be the first thing I saw in the morning and the last thing at night. One hot Dwarf. All of the beauty and none of the smell. Gotta love it.

        • IIRC there was a funny discussion over at me + richard armitage some time ago about life-size cardboard cutouts of the chaRActers. Some of us couldn’t choose just one, so we opted to have a different one for each day of the week: Lucas for Monday, Porter for Tuesday, Guy for Friday. Someone actually did have one, but I can’t remember which character it was.
          With this Thorin being about my height, I could literally stare directly into his eyes *thud*

            • Oh Leigh! That is priceless!!!!! 😀

              I really like the idea he’s my height, although “Richard height” would be pretty swoon-inducing too. Trouble is, I might never want to leave the house once he moved in! He’s already quite addictive enough in pictures!!!! 😉 Of course there is plenty of room for him on the other half of my bed! *giggles at the thought*

              • I am finding the cardboard cutout awfully tempting. . . but where would I put it? LOL I did bring Little Thorin with me . . . I may take him down to the beach at some point and shoot some photos. 😉

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