Tag Archives: john standring

A ‘Hobbit’ milestone, bar codes, Standring’s thumbs & a–knitted dwarf?




Today, THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY became just the 5th film of 2012 to pass $300+M domestic ($300, 160,000 as of noon CST)  Foreign box office tallies are $ 659, 600,000 for a total of $959, 760,000 thus far.  (Figures courtesy of Box Office Mojo.)

I think that’s not too shabby.

In other news, I now have my official bar code for Comic-Con registration.  Two John Strandring thumbs up! 😀


And I thought this photo of a fanmade doll tweeted by Dwalin aka Graham McTavish was just too adorable. Look at the detail!

This darling knitted version of Dwalin looks squeezably soft. We need one for Thorin, too!

This darling knitted version of Dwalin looks squeezably soft. We need one for Thorin, too!

Now, I really think I have to take a bit of a nap. Eyes are crying out for some rest again . . .

Valentine’s Day with Mr. A & His ChaRActers


I am working on another post that’s taking me a while–it has nothing to do with romance or with RA, but I think you might find it of interest.  It’s both somewhat art and copy-heavy with some quotes and a tad of research thrown in, and my own personal experiences. As I said, it’s taking a while.  It’s a subject that’s been bouncing around in my brain for a considerable amount of time . . .

But it’s closing in on Thursday here, February 14, and that means Valentine’s Day, and thoughts of lovely Richard Armitage and his characters–the stalwart romantic hero, the beautiful bad boy who longs to be loved, the funny, shy accountant with the naughty side, the gentle giant who wins our hearts, the fierce alpha males with their softer, more tender sides–are not far away.  So let’s celebrate with some fanart and fanvids with a bit o’ of romance sweet and steamy.






The lads are looking forward to it . . .


As we start a new blog year here at TAE, some of the lads said they wanted to weigh in on what they hope to bring to readers– in between eating enormous pieces of chocolate cake, that is.  I have to say they are a brood of chocoholics.  Not that I mind!befunkyjohnsbefunkygog


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befunky rich

Sunday SmoRgAsbord: Angsty, Angry and Oh,So Attractive










I am tired and my eyes are starting to really bug me (the whole sticky, weepy thing going on again) so don’t feel like doing a lot of writing. However, I do want to share our first round of Sunday Smorgasbord.  Dig in!

Blogiversary beautiful RA boyz!


ep1_021ccThanks for all the good wishes for TAE first blogiversary, folks! Here are some images of our favorite RA chaRActers to enjoy.

Rumor has it that some familiar faces will be dropping by a little later . . . I will update you. Happy Groundhog Day, Happy Blogiversary Day and Happy Saturday! 😀

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Sunday SmoRgAsbord: Those Eyes




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Those eyes express so much–regret, defiance, fear, hope, gentleness, suspicion, tenderness, desire, anger, betrayal. A myriad of emotions. They are the windows to the hearts, minds and souls of his characters. And we never tire of looking into them.

Sunday SmoRgAsbord: More Early RA

Richard as stagedoor Johnny Percy Courtney in "Marie Lloyd."

Richard as stagedoor Johnny Percy Courtney in “Marie Lloyd.”


vlcsnap-00050-1Oh, Paul, you misbehaved in the worst kind of way but you are a sexy guy.

Captain Ian again. Richard, water and a towel are a potent combination.

Captain Ian again. Richard, water and a towel are a potent combination.

js_stubbleSweetie John Standring, the painfully shy and awkward Yorkshire farmer with the steadfast heart, brought to life so memorably by Richard in 2002.

Give me an Armitage hero



I am still in a heroic mode. Well, I am not a hero. But I want to pay tribute to Mr. Armitage, a personal hero of mine, and his wonderful characters, with all their flaws and inner conflicts, their ambiguities, who become our heroes. I prefer them to the guys in the capes and tights with the super powers. Give me an Armitage hero.

















“Christmas Magic” is in the air: New Holiday Fanvid!


I put this together last night and took advantage of my sister’s wi-fi here in the big city to upload it. I hope you’ll enjoy the festive images, winter landscape and the talents of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. A Very Merry Christmas to one and all!

Armitage Sunday SmoRgAsbord: From Sir Guy to the painter guy . . .

Glamour Guy, looking confident and sexxxxxy.

Glamour Guy, looking confident and sexxxxxy.

I am going to attempt something almost unheard of around here for me: going to sleep before 1 a.m. I may not accomplish my goal, but I am gonna give it that old college try. There are things I really need to do tomorrow.

But before I don my sleep mask and turn on the white noise, let me lay out the table with a selection of delectables for you all to enjoy.  Have a lovely Sunday and enjoy the latest smoRgAsbord!


Porter. Never count him out.

Porter. Never count him out.

Oh, Lucas. Such a beautiful man. And So Not Dead (and So NOT Bateman).

Oh, Lucas. Such a beautiful man. And So Not Dead (and So NOT Bateman).

Sweetie John: earnest, honest, caring, committed.

Sweetie John: earnest, honest, caring, committed.

Need I say more?

Need I say more?

I atill worry about this.

I atill worry about this.


Elysian Armitage: TAE Word for the Day


Elysian: (adjective): blissful; delightful. Of, or relating to, or characteristic of heaven or paradise.

From the Latin Elysium, from the Greek elysion pedyon (Elysian plain/ fields). In Greek mythology, Elysium (or Elysian fields) was the final resting place for the souls of heroes and the virtuous after their deaths. Earliest documented use: 1579.

Richard Armitage manages to evoke feelings within us which I believe can be described as truly elysian. Surely our endorphin levels are boosted when we see his image, hear his voice, read his words? We experience positive emotions; our pain seems to lessen, our bliss seems to increase. We are inspired and excited in such a manner it takes our breath away.

RA  and his cast of ChaRActers can make us downright euphoric. It seems as if we see a glimpse of heaven itself in those fathomless blue eyes, in the sweetness of his smiles and the joy of his laughter.

How I love those “Temptation Eyes” (new fanvid)


Those big, blue (when they aren’t green or grey or even khaki, that is) luminous eyes of Richard Armitage. With their lush fringe of lashes and bold masculine brows, those eyes alone can express a myriad of emotions and moods. They captivate, mesmerize and hypnotize. Call them Temptation Eyes . . . I do.


A ChaRActer of Great Troth: TAE Word for the Day


Troth: (noun) Faithfulness, fidelity or loyalty; one’s promise or word, especially when engaging oneself to marry.

Troth derives from a variation of truth in certain regions of England. Over time it has taken on a distinct meaning in certain phrases, such as “plighting one’s troth.”

The first character that came into my mind when I read this entry was a certain gentle giant: John Standring, that cripplingly shy and awkward Yorkshire farmer, a heart of gold beating beneath those blue coveralls, kindness in those earnest blue eyes,  an angelic sweetness in those smiles.

Sweetie John. Faithful in his love for Carol, even though he knows she loves another. A man who tries his best to help her in a time of need, who wants to love and protect her, telling his new wife to never feel as if she must keep secrets from him. John Standring, a truly good man who displays a great measure of troth.  Many’s the admirer of Sweetie John who longs to give him the TLC she feels he so richly deserves.

Sunday Smorgasbord: From Dwarven King to Criminal Charmer
