Tag Archives: richard armitage

You’re so vain . . . or are you?


I don’t think you are, actually–excessively vain. Although you did confess to being vain about your appearance in that delightful 60 Seconds with Richard Armitage vid for Cinemax.   And heaven knows you’ve got something to be vain about, you hunkalicious ode to masculinity, you. Yet, sometimes I don’t know if you are pulling our leg or not–cheeky monkey.

But I do know I had fun creating these:





Sometimes, you just need someone larger than life


And who would expect it to be a dwarf? Ah, but this is a princely creature, standing tall even if short of stature; strong, fierce, a fighter, a survivor. A displaced king, a leader amongst his people, a second father to his sister-sons. Stubborn, proud and opinionated, but still able to admit when he’s wrong.  Someone you’d be proud and glad to follow.












My New Year’s Gift to the AAAs: New little vid


That’s the Ardent Armitage Aficionados, in case you were wondering. Happy New Year from me, Richard and some of the ChaRActers–hope you enjoy this quick little vid. Benny and I are listening to the distant sounds of fireworks and are about to watch the giant Moon Pie drop down in Mobile, our port city to the south and the place where Mardi Gras was first held in the New World (Yep, even before New Orleans).

Ah, the Commodores are singing Auld Ang Syne now as the laser light show, fireworks and ticker tape cannons go off. I just wished my sweet hubby a better 2013 . . .


Thorin & Company’s third straight week at #1 . . .


I saw that The Hobbit was number one at the box office for the third straight week, earning $32.9 million, bringing its totals to $222.7 million domestically and $600 million worldwide.

As I have said before, I do believe this film has “legs” and that word of mouth ultimately beats out mixed reviews. I believe it will continue to do well at the box office in the coming weeks, even when it drops from first place.  A bomb, it isn’t, in spite of what some people seem to think.

Runners-up were Django Unchained, $30.7 million, Les Miserables, $28 million, Parental Guidance, $14.8 million and Jack Reacher, $14 million.

In honor of the occasion, my two Thorin videos (I really need to make a new one–)


At any rate, it’s good news with which to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new.

Happy New Year’s Eve/New Year, everyone!!

As a new year approaches . . .


New Year‘s Eve is almost here in LA, and it’s already arrived for some of you. And I am hoping you all have a wonderful beginning to the new year, and a wonderful year to come.


Party animals that we aren’t, we plan a quiet one here, probably cuddled together, watching the countdown on TV. When we were growing up, Sister S and I used to pilfer a little of our dad’s Christmas libations to celebrate the New Year (Mogen David kosher wine, concord grape, was the drink of choice for this Southern Baptist, who largely limited his imbibing to a little Christmas cheer and a cold beer or two during haybaling season each summer).


We’d pour it in a couple of our parents’ crystal champagne glasses and feel terribly elegant and slightly wicked. When the clock struck twelve, S and I would toast one another and clink our glasses together ever so carefully, just to hear that lovely ring.

Many people here in the South believe you have to start the new year off with the right foods. Traditionally, black-eyed peas and howl jowls (aka pork cheek) are believed to bring you good luck in the year to come. Add in some type of greens–collard greens the most typical choice–for prosperity. It IS the color of money here in the U.S. And you’ll likely want to add some cornbread. Not for good luck or riches. Just because peas practically demand it. 😀

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Left: A sign sighted in North Carolina. Right: A plate promising prosperity and luck in the new year, with black-eyed peas, cornbread, and greens.

I have a confession to make. I don’t really like black-eyed peas all that much. No, I don’t have to turn in my official GRITS (Girl Raised in the South) card. I love peas–I just prefer a different variety. Mama and Daddy raised pink-eyed purple-hulled peas every year in our garden, and these, firmer and slightly sweeter than the black-eyed variety, were, and are, my field peas of choice. Are these peas and ham or bacon any more or less lucky than their black-eyed, hog-jowled counterparts? I don’t know. I just prefer the way they taste.

Above, the afore-mentioned purple-hulled peas, the photo courtesy of Alabama’s own Auburn University. NOT the school I support. 😉

Anyway, this year will soon be gone into the annals of history. Christmas is over and Santa is back at home, resting up after his oh-so-busy night. And he, like many of us, has a few companions who enjoy cuddling with him. I don’t think it’s too late to share this charming image with you:


Feeling all “British-y” tonight



Tonight I’ve found myself talking to the cats in an English accent. Sometimes working-class, sometimes tehhh-ribbly POSH. Feeling all Britishy, you see. Been watching the Call the Midwife Holiday Special (Oh, I do love this show!) followed by a repeat of Downton Abbey‘s Christmas Special. The third season begins here in the U.S. on January 6 and is much anticipated by me and fellow Anglophiles.

Before I began my “All Things English” Watch, I had my first serving of a traditional English treat–plum pudding. Of course, those of you who are familiar with it know it’s really more steamed cake than what we in America think of as pudding, which is inexorably tied to pitchman Bill Cosby and Jello brand desserts made from a box.

thCAM0CIHR Comedian Bill Cosby was a long-time pitchman for Jello brand pudding.

My Christmas pudding also came in a box, actually–a box from that marvelous retailer Vermont Country Store, which carries a myriad of treats to eat, wear, apply, play with and further enjoy. It was baked in Jolly Olde Englande and dispatched to the U.S. in time for the holidays. Along with the plum pudding (which contains lots of fruit but not, I believe, any plums) there was Bird’s brandy hard sauce.  This was yet another treat I had never had. I was amused to read the directions for heating on a hob–not an expression much used here–and the microwave, which is the route I went.

I must say the “nuked” pudding was moist and flavorful, tasting not unlike our fruitcake here, and the sauce was a delicious addition. Thinking I may have to whip up that package of gingerbread in the pantry to use some of the remainder . . .

And now, here’s something else British I find to be quite a treat:


Sunday Night SmoRgAsbord: Richard Incognito

Richard channeling his inner Richard III.

Richard channeling his inner Richard III.


Eat your heart out, Valentino. RA makes a fab sheik.

Eat your heart out, Valentino. RA makes a fab sheik.


Richard as 80's hairband rocker. Party on, dude!

Richard as 80’s hairband rocker. Party on, dude!


Ah, he does make such a heroic, imposing knight (in chain mail, shining armour OR black leather).

Ah, he does make such a heroic, imposing knight (in chain mail, shining armour OR black leather).


Dare I say--Giz the Gunslinger? (I salute you, Daria.)

Dare I say–Giz the Gunslinger? (I salute you, Daria.)

Artwork courtesy of Faceinhole website with additional edits made at Picmonkey.


The look they did NOT choose for Thorin.


After careful consideration by the costume designers and makeup artists, this Thorin look went into File 13 (aka the wastebasket).


Instead, of course, we got this guy channeling a popular children’s book character . . .


Possible Movie RemAkes: Armitage as a ghost–in a KILT!


Leigh mentioned the possibility of a more comedic film that is due for a remake: the 1935 English-U.S. co-production, The Ghost Goes West. The U.K.’s most successful film of 1936, this enticing cinematic blend of satire, fantasy, ghost story and sweet romance was also a hit in the U.S.

Starring the very talented and handsome Robert Donat in a dual role of 18th century Scottish ghost Murdoch Glourie, a dashing ladies’ man, and his 20th century descendant, a laird dealing with the modern realities of being cash poor and land rich with a large castle demanding expensive upkeep.  Enter a wealthy American businessman (Eugene Pallette) and his pretty daughter (Jean Parker) into the picture. A Scottish castle is just what the businessman wants. He just wants it on his estate in sunny Florida. And so the castle is dismantled, stone by stone, and shipped overseas to be reconstructed.


 A French poster for the film. I liked the design. And everything sounds better in French, mais oui?

And guess who also goes along? That’s right, the ghost, who, after dishonoring the family name, was cursed by a disgruntled father to forever haunt the ancestral castle–no matter where in the world it stands–until that wrong can be righted.  Murdoch experiences no lack of culture shock in the land of palm trees and rampant materialism.

The film has much to recommend it– a charming and witty script, the always outstanding cinematography of Jack Cardiff (whose exquisite color work can be seen in Black Narcissus and The Red Shoes), excellent direction by Rene Clair, and delightful performances by Donat and frog-voiced Pallette in particular.

Jean Parker and Robert Donat in a publicity still for "The Ghost Goes West."

Jean Parker and Robert Donat in a publicity still for “The Ghost Goes West.”

The flirty-girty Murdoch woos a fair lady in the film's prologue.

The flirty-girty Murdoch woos a fair lady in the film’s prologue.

The laird faces off with the ghost thanks to split screen.

The laird faces off with the ghost thanks to split screen.

And it offers a handsome man–in a kilt. We know Richard can do a Scottish accent from the RH audiobooks. We know he truly rocks a kilt from that one photo shoot. We know he can nail a flirtatious ladies’ man–Lee “Speedo” Preston, anyone? We know he’s got the acting chops to play two roles in the same film.  We know he needs to do something with a little humor in it for a change. So, Mr. A, how about something with comedy and romance and fantasy–and kilts!!

Richard in a image that orginated with Rob Roy, I do believe.

Richard in an image that I think originated with “Rob Roy.”

This bonny lad appears to be part of an event such as the Scottish Highlands Game that takes place here at Blount Park next to the Alabama Shakespeare Festival.

This bonny lad appears to be part of an event such as the Scottish Highlands Game that takes place here at Blount Park next to the Alabama Shakespeare Festival.

This started out as a photo of another fave of mine who is a Scotsman, Ewan McGregor. The grin seemed appropriate.

This started out as a photo of another fave of mine who is a Scotsman, Ewan McGregor. The grin seemed appropriate.

All RA images created in Faceinhole with additional editing in BeFunky.  “The Ghost Goes West” screencaps & poster courtesy of Bing Images

More silliness with Mr. A & fedoralady

Armitage as ninja assassin. He wouldn't need to use those weapons on me; he'd give me one look with those eyes and he'd slay me. Totally.

Armitage as ninja assassin. He wouldn’t need to use those weapons on me; he’d give me one look with those eyes and he’d slay me. Totally.

He does make such a superb warrior king, doesn't he?

He does make such a superb warrior king, doesn’t he?

If our vain (his words, not mine) Richard is to be believed, he'd be loath to gain weight to play a corpulent King Henry. Another "fat suit" a la Thorin and cotton in his cheeks?

If our vain (his words, not mine) Richard is to be believed, he’d be loath to gain weight to play a corpulent King Henry. Another “fat suit” a la Thorin and cotton in his cheeks?

I DO like a man in uniform.

I DO like a man in uniform.

Sorry for the slightly wonky look to the head here. I couldn’t seem to find an angle that quite worked. LOVED the outfit, though.

I couldn't resist.

I couldn’t resist.

Closing in on half a million . . .


Hits, that is. I currently have 487,701 views at this blog. Not bad for a venture I started ll months ago, not certain anyone would show up for the party.

I am rather astonished and chuffed and grateful. I know everyone hasn’t ventured here for Mr. Armitage, but I appreciate any and all who have stopped in, and particularly all those who have been repeat visitors. Thanks to you all, and to the inspiration for beginning the blog in the first place.

Awww, thanks, Rich.I appreciate it.

Awww, thanks, Rich. I appreciate it.

New Vid: Our Beautiful Blue-Eyed Mr. A


Here’s a little lyrical, dancable Swedish House Mafia for you, coupled with LOTS of images of the lovely Richard using one of the many new Muvee stylings now on my laptop. Richarding does make a girl’s low spirits improve–even if she can’t get to sleep.

Just some silliness that I needed.


In the vein of Richard in film remakes, I had some fun at Face in a Hole and put him into a few roles. Some of these are quite ridiculous but hopefully they will also help you smile, too. I just needed a bit of silliness tonight.

Shades of Ricky Deeming! Well, he does rock the black leather.

Shades of Ricky Deeming! Well, he does rock the black leather.

Who needs John Wayne? It's Richard in the wild, wild west.

Who needs John Wayne? It’s Richard in the wild, wild west.

Well, we've all wanted to see those snake hips of his in action, haven't we?? ;)

Well, we’ve all wanted to see those snake hips of his in action, haven’t we?? 😉

Is it just me, or does he look a bit like Hugh Jackman channeling Mike Myers here?

Is it just me, or does he look a bit like Hugh Jackman channeling Mike Myers here?

I told you I needed some silliness, didn't I?

I told you I needed some silliness, didn’t I?

The original movie was a dud, I've heard, but I am sure RA could convince us he IS the love guru.

The original movie was a dud, I’ve heard, but I am sure RA could convince us he IS the love guru.

Guyday Friday: Hungry Like the Wolf


Sir Guy–such intensity. Eyes dark, yet blazing with fire; the flash of those gleaming white teeth, a half-feral creature emiting a heat not quite like any other . . . beautiful, dangerous, irresistible Sir Guy.



brooding beauty guy

